New Zealand Unit Express Agreements

Papers and agreements relating to the China Navigation Company's involvement in the New Zealand Unit Express. These include: Statement dated 1975 setting out percentage pool shares held by the China Navigation Company, Mitsui O S K Lines and Nedlloyd between 1974 and 1977 Letter dated 1978 setting...

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Order number: JSS Box 3297
Date(s) of creation: 1975-1984
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: JSS Box 3297
Summary: Papers and agreements relating to the China Navigation Company's involvement in the New Zealand Unit Express. These include: Statement dated 1975 setting out percentage pool shares held by the China Navigation Company, Mitsui O S K Lines and Nedlloyd between 1974 and 1977 Letter dated 1978 setting out percentage pool shares for 1979 Heads of Agreement between the China Navigation Company, Mitsui O S K Lines and Nedlloyd setting out the terms of the pool share, 1979 (copy) Agreement between the China Navigation Company, Mitsui O S K Lines ltd and Nedlloyd to operate a joint service in accordance with the NZUE Heads of Agreement (1979), 1984
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright is owned by John Swire & Sons, Ltd, London
User restrictions: Copying is permitted for personal research purposes only. Please contact the archivist for all publication requests
Language: English
Scripts: Latin
Format: Archive