China Navigation company Requisition Finance

Papers concerning financial arrangements for China Navigation Company [CNCo] vessels requisitioned by the Ministry of Shipping. Papers include: Ministry of Transport sundry circulars focussing in particular on bunker prices for oil & accounting procedures with respect to chartering and maintena...

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Order number: JSS Box 2703 A & B
Date(s) of creation: 1941-1946
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: JSS Box 2703 A & B
Summary: Papers concerning financial arrangements for China Navigation Company [CNCo] vessels requisitioned by the Ministry of Shipping. Papers include: Ministry of Transport sundry circulars focussing in particular on bunker prices for oil & accounting procedures with respect to chartering and maintenance of vessels; requisition forms and correspondence relating to the liner requisition scheme and discussion of rates; copies of liner agreements between CNCo and the Ministry of Shipping for the liner requisition scheme; summaries of DEMS forms sent to 'President III' giving details of advances against pay
Previous numbers: CNCO 713; JSSIII 6/37
Extent: 3 files
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright is owned by John Swire & Sons, Ltd, 59 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ
User restrictions: Copying for personal research purposes is permitted. Please contact the archivist for all publication requests.
Language: English
Finding aids: Paper handlist available
Format: Archive