South China Incoming Correspondence

Incoming correspondence from missionaries in the South China mission field to the London Missionary Society headquarters. Early correspondence comes from Macau [Macao] and Canton [Guangzhou] as well as places in Ultra Ganges [S E Asia]. Later the correspondence from Hong Kong predominates, though th...

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Order number: CWM/LMS/South China/Incoming correspondence/Box…etc. [1803?]-1806 (Morrison folder) Box 1A* 1807-1817 Box 1B* 1818-1829 Box 2* 1830-1839 Box 3* 1840-1847 Box 4* 1848-1856 Box 5* 1857-1869 Box 6* 1870-1874 Box 7* 1875-1879 Box 8 1880-1883 Box 9 1884-1886 Box 10 1887-1892 Box 11 1893-1894 Box 12 1895-1897 Box 13 1898-1900 Box 14 1901-1903 Box 15 1904-1906 Box 16 1907-1908 Box 17 1909-1910 Box 18A 1911-1912 Box 18B 1913-1914 Box 19 1915-1917 Box 20 1918-1919 Box 21 1920-1922 Box 22 1923-1924 Box 23 1925-1927 Box 24
Date(s) of creation: [1803?]-1927
Level: Sub-series
Format: Archive           

collection SOAS Archive
id CWM.LMS.16.02.01
recordtype archive
scb_item_location Archive & Special Collections
item_location Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type Reference only
scb_order_with CWM/LMS/South China/Incoming correspondence/Box…etc. [1803?]-1806 (Morrison folder) Box 1A* 1807-1817 Box 1B* 1818-1829 Box 2* 1830-1839 Box 3* 1840-1847 Box 4* 1848-1856 Box 5* 1857-1869 Box 6* 1870-1874 Box 7* 1875-1879 Box 8 1880-1883 Box 9 1884-1886 Box 10 1887-1892 Box 11 1893-1894 Box 12 1895-1897 Box 13 1898-1900 Box 14 1901-1903 Box 15 1904-1906 Box 16 1907-1908 Box 17 1909-1910 Box 18A 1911-1912 Box 18B 1913-1914 Box 19 1915-1917 Box 20 1918-1919 Box 21 1920-1922 Box 22 1923-1924 Box 23 1925-1927 Box 24
callnumber CWM/LMS/16/02/01
callnumber_txt CWM/LMS/16/02/01
callnumber-sort CWM/LMS/16/02/01
prefix_number 01
title South China Incoming Correspondence
scb_date_creation [1803?]-1927
scb_level Sub-series
level_sort 7/Collection/Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Sub-Collection/Series/Sub-Series/Sub-Sub-Series/File
scb_extent 26 boxes
format Archive
description Incoming correspondence from missionaries in the South China mission field to the London Missionary Society headquarters. Early correspondence comes from Macau [Macao] and Canton [Guangzhou] as well as places in Ultra Ganges [S E Asia]. Later the correspondence from Hong Kong predominates, though there is also, in almost every year, a separate series of letters originating in Canton. What is significant about the South China letters is that they begin much earlier [1803?] than the formal and permitted establishment of missions. The painstaking work of Robert Morrison, Willliam Milne, Walter Medhurst and others (all except Robert Morrison having to remain outside China in the Ultra Ganges [South-East Asia] region) paved the way. They prepared the first protestant edition of the Bible in Chinese and an Anglo-Chinese dictionary as well as Christian literature in the form of printed tracts and, subsequently, books of biblical commentary and of scientific interest (including physiology and feng shui). Most of these were printed in Malacca, Canton or Hong Kong on presses run by the LMS using Chinese type faces which may have been prepared in their own foundry. In addition to those already named, the principal early correspondents in the series are the Chinese minister whom Robert Morrison called Leangafa [spelling variations include Leang A Fa, Leang A-Fa, Leung A-Fa] (letters from 1826 to 1852) and missionaries, Elijah Bridgman, Dr William Lockhart, Dr Benjamin Hobson, William Charles Milne, James Legge, Dr Henri Hirschberg, John Chalmers, Frederick Turner and Ernest Eitel.
scb_arrangement Letters from the province of Fukien [Fujian] are held in a separate sequence.
scb_access_status Open
language English
language_search English
scb_finding_aids A detailed list of Incoming Correspondence for South China, 1807-1874 (G2), is available for consultation in the Special Collections Reading Room, SOAS Library. A digitised copy of this list is available on SOAS Digital Collections - URL link in this catalogue record.
hierarchy_top_id_raw CWM
hierarchy_sequence CWM.00LMS.0016.0002.0001