LMS Women's Hospital, Union Medical College, and Yenching University, Peking [Beijing]

Groups include: LMS Women's Hospital patients and staff on verandah; Peking Union Medical College 1st faculty, 1920s; Yenching University staff with [Francis] Hawkins; Yenching chorus singing The Messiah. Other people featured include: Dr [Thomas] Cochrane; Dr [James] Cormack; [George] Wilson, Medic...

Full description

Order number: CWM/LMS/China/Photographs/Box 14
Date(s) of creation: c.1905 - c.1940
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/China/Photographs/Box 14
Summary: Groups include: LMS Women's Hospital patients and staff on verandah; Peking Union Medical College 1st faculty, 1920s; Yenching University staff with [Francis] Hawkins; Yenching chorus singing The Messiah. Other people featured include: Dr [Thomas] Cochrane; Dr [James] Cormack; [George] Wilson, Medical College Works Manager. Events include: Easter Service at the University. Also includes: print of Medical College degree cerificate. Prints taken by or received from individuals including: Yung Hua.
Extent: 8 black and white or sepia prints
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright possibly held by Council for World Mission
File number: 92
Copies: Duplicate of chorus
Format: Archive