Sibree portraits and family groups

People include: ?Sibree's mother (print of drawing); Annie Sibree; James Sibree; [Deborah] Sibree [nee Deborah Richardson]; Mary Sibree (later Mary Milledge); Alice Sibree (later Alice Hickling); Rev. [Percy] Milledge; Marjorie Milledge; Gordon Sibree; Eric Sibree; Oswald Sibree; C C Hickling; J W S...

Full description

Order number: CWM/LMS/Madagascar/Photographs/Box 1
Date(s) of creation: c.1860 - c.1940
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/Madagascar/Photographs/Box 1
Summary: People include: ?Sibree's mother (print of drawing); Annie Sibree; James Sibree; [Deborah] Sibree [nee Deborah Richardson]; Mary Sibree (later Mary Milledge); Alice Sibree (later Alice Hickling); Rev. [Percy] Milledge; Marjorie Milledge; Gordon Sibree; Eric Sibree; Oswald Sibree; C C Hickling; J W Sibree; [Gertrude] Sibree [nee Gertrude Helps]; Joy Sibree; Rev. W Matheson; J S Milledge. Events featured include: weddings, including that of Hickling and Alice Sibree. Prints taken by studios, etc. including: Barry, W and E T Watson, Friston Son and Company, and Wreathall and Wright, Hull [England]; G H Collis, Philip Fincham, Maull and Fox, E Pearce and Smith, Photopress, Special Press, and Reginald Haines, London [England]; F J Bright, Bournemouth [England]; Swaine, Bedford [England]; Spencer; de Wyrall, Bromley [England]; Arthur Stephenson, Grimsby [England]; Rakotondramanitra and L Rason, Tananarive [Antananarivo]; Mae Cheung, Hong Kong; [?Herbert] Miller.
Extent: 64 sepia or black and white prints/postcards and 2 envelopes
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright probably held by Sibree family if still in copyright
File number: 1
Copies: Duplicate of Milledge and Marjorie and probably others in the James Sibree "missionary portraits" file
Format: Archive