Summary: |
includes letters from:
William Ringeltaube, Mayilady [Mylaudy] -
William Lee, Ganjam - Scripture translation proceeding; death of Mrs Pritchett [née Mary Parkhouse]; opposition and some encouragement
Edward Pritchett, Vizagapatam
joint letter from John Gordon and Edward Pritchett, Vizagapatam - copies of Telugu Gospels already sent
joint letter from John Gordon, Edward Pritchett and William Loveless, Vizagapatam - support of missionaries' widows
joint letter from Gordon Hall and Samuel Nott (American missionaries), Bombay - difficulty in getting settled; 'the very lamentable war between America and England'
William Loveless, Madras [Chennai] - Telugu gospels; deaths of various missionaries including Dr John Vanderkemp; formation of Friend-in-Need Society; amendiment of East India Company charter; work begun at Agra; story of converted fakir and wife; list of books needed
William Oliver, Camp Ambooty and Camp Cotabaughy
J Sangtry, Camp
John Hands, Bellary - his work among soldiers, and more generally
Lieutenant Green
Lieutenant Thompson
J M Stracker, Madras
J P Rottler, Vepery (Madras)
J Paget, Camp Cotabaughy
Samuel Nott (American missionary), Bombay - ordered to leave, ostensibly because of USA-Britain war; changed government attitude; committee in Calcutta to represent American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions; their orders to depart; visit to Cochin [Kochi]