People and views in Ngamiland

Some prints have the letter "a" and numbers on their backs. Groups include: Ngami men, boys and girl. People include: an old Christian lady at Maun; Rev Tumedisho Maruapula (father of K T Motsete); Damara women; Christian village leader and wife and child; "Miriam" (little Bechuana girl). Activities...

Full description

Order number: CWM/LMS/Africa/Photographs/Box 7
Date(s) of creation: c.1920 - c.1955
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/Africa/Photographs/Box 7
Summary: Some prints have the letter "a" and numbers on their backs. Groups include: Ngami men, boys and girl. People include: an old Christian lady at Maun; Rev Tumedisho Maruapula (father of K T Motsete); Damara women; Christian village leader and wife and child; "Miriam" (little Bechuana girl). Activities include: "Native minister addressing an open-air meeting"; women preparing edible berries; Masarwa man making a small axe. Other places and buildings include: wagon road from Kachikau to the Zambezi; evangelist's house, Lake Ngami; Masubea village beside the Chobe River; Okorango River. Also includes: Cullen Reed's [George Cullen Harvey Reed] grave overlooking Dinyanti swamps; a dust storm. Photographs received from individuals including: [Alexander] Sandilands.
Extent: 16 black and white or sepia prints
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by Council for World Mission or descendants of photographer if still in copyright
File number: 58
Copies: Old woman published in The Chronicle, September 1958
Format: Archive