Album of South African and British scenes

Includes photographs of flowers and animals, scenes associated with the Boer War, Malay picnickers dancing, "natives in compound" at De Beers Diamond Mines, Kimberley. Events featured include (all at Cape Town): General [Sir Redvers] Buller's arrival; the decoration of [1st] Lord Roberts; the Canadi...

Full description

Order number: CWM/LMS/Africa/Photographs/Box 3
Date(s) of creation: c.1890 - c.1905
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/Africa/Photographs/Box 3
Summary: Includes photographs of flowers and animals, scenes associated with the Boer War, Malay picnickers dancing, "natives in compound" at De Beers Diamond Mines, Kimberley. Events featured include (all at Cape Town): General [Sir Redvers] Buller's arrival; the decoration of [1st] Lord Roberts; the Canadian contingent leaving the Town House; the welcome for [1st] Lord Milner; the proclamation of Edward VII; the inspection of the Town Guard; Mr and Mrs [Joseph] Chamberlain [Secretary of State for the Colonies] driving to Town House. Other places and buildings include: Jonkers Hock Trout Hatchery; "Paardeberg"; Adderley Street, Houses of Parliament, Government Avenue, Queen [Victoria]'s Statue, Fish market (Rogge Bay), Parade, Old Manor House (government farm), Simons Bay, Sea Point, Botany Bay, Camps Bay, Apostles Peaks, Table Mountain, Lion's Head Peak, Victoria Road, Kalk Bay (all in and around Cape Town); Vaal River near Bloemfontein; Wesselton Mine near Kimberley; places in London [England] and the Scottish Highlands. Also includes: unidentified woman [?wife of photographer] with initials ?"J W M".
Extent: 1 album containing 60 sepia or black and white prints
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright probably expired
File number: 26
Format: Archive