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Refers to recent stay in Kuruman and the the birth of their second child [Agnes Livingstone, born at Kuruman in May 1847]; returned to Chonuane [Chonwane] in May; removal to Kolobeng with the baKwena; Sechele's intention to build a school; erection of dwelling huts; construction of watercourse, a dam and a "square house for their chief"; Sechele establishes a daily prayer meeting in his house; efforts of elders to acquire a knowledge of reading; discussions with Sechele regarding the Testament and Lessons; Mrs Livingstone [Mary Livingstone] commences an infant and sewing school; work of Paul and David [Mebaloe]; makes reference to the Tsetse fly and assistance rendered to an 'Englishman' who has recently lost his cattle which were bitten by the fly [the 'Englishman referred to was the famous hunter Roualeyn Gordon Cumming, 1820-1866, who made several expeditions into what was then Bechuanaland]; speaks of his younger brother Charles Livingstone, who has almost completed his study at Oberlin College, Ohio, and who wishes to become a missionary in China, and relates his history, training and character to the Directors.