Journal of George Turner and Henry Nisbet, Samoa, 1848

Journal of Geroge Turner and Henry Nisbet, July - August 1848, describing their visit to the islands of the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] - Anatom, Tanna, Niua, Fate (or Sandwich Island) [Efate], the Loyalty Islands - Lifu and Mare, and Niue (or Savage Island), where they reported on the progress of the mi...

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Order number: CWM/LMS/South Seas/Journals/Box 10
Date(s) of creation: 3 Jul 1848 - 28 Aug 1848
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/South Seas/Journals/Box 10
Summary: Journal of Geroge Turner and Henry Nisbet, July - August 1848, describing their visit to the islands of the New Hebrides [Vanuatu] - Anatom, Tanna, Niua, Fate (or Sandwich Island) [Efate], the Loyalty Islands - Lifu and Mare, and Niue (or Savage Island), where they reported on the progress of the mission and the native teachers previously settled there. The lives of the native teachers were frequently threatened by islanders who attributed to them the outbreak of various epidemics. Also mentions visits of Roman Catholic priests and contains lists of the islands with information about their stations and the names of the native teachers.
Extent: 16pp
Access status: Open
Language: English
File number: 143
Copies: CWM South Seas Journals FBN 36
Format: Archive