Deeds and papers relating to properties in India

1. List of properties in India transferred to the London Mission Society Corporation. Documents registered 1908-1909. [1909] 2. Copy Deed of Lease of Land in Vepery for 99 years by E. I. Comp to Thomas De Souza, 17 Feb 1802; plan of land; copy of will of Thomas De Souza; copy of Deed of Sale of Leas...

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Order number: CWM/LMS/Home/Property Deeds/India/Box 3/Files 1-2
Date(s) of creation: 1802-1928
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: CWM/LMS/Home/Property Deeds/India/Box 3/Files 1-2
Summary: 1. List of properties in India transferred to the London Mission Society Corporation. Documents registered 1908-1909. [1909] 2. Copy Deed of Lease of Land in Vepery for 99 years by E. I. Comp to Thomas De Souza, 17 Feb 1802; plan of land; copy of will of Thomas De Souza; copy of Deed of Sale of Lease of Land by W Taggart Attorney to Alexander Leitch, Ebenezer Lewis and William Porter as Trustees for the London Missionary Society, 3 Apr 1846. Typescript. n.d 3. Copy of Declaration Trust by William Charles Loveless, Vicessimus Toriano and James Morgan Strachan of the London Missionary Society, regarding land with a Chapel and two schoolhouses, Madras, 7 Dec 1819. n.d. 4. William Howard Campbell to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of land and property in the Madras district, including Davidson Street Congregational Church, Peddu Naick's Petta George Town, Mission House and Training Home, village of Vepery, Madras, London Mission House and Girls' High School, village of Vepery, Pursewaukum Church, village of Pursewaukum,London Mission Burial Ground, Pursewaukum, London Mission Girls' School, Pursewaukum, and London Mission Kosapet Girls' School, Kosapet, 29 July 1908 5. Copy of Assignment of Purusawaukam Church. Rev W. C. Loveless to Rev. Edmund Crisp and J. W. Massie of the London Missionary Society, Jan 1824. Typescript. n.d 6. Signed Agreement for sale of properties at and near Kachwa, India, between the London Missionary Society and the Bible Churchmens Missionary Trust Society Ltd. 24 Sep 1928. Typescript. 7. George Hannah Macfarlane to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of the Mission Bungalow, Kadiri, to the London Missionary Society Corporation, 27 Sep 1907 8. Herbert James Goffin to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of transfer of land and property in Madras to the London Missionary Society Corporation, including the Mission School or old Kacheri, Kadiri, the Catechist's House, Kadiri, and the Biblewoman's House, Kadiri, 12 Oct 1907 9. Copy of Lease of land in Veperey, Madras for 99 years, 17 Feb 1802. Belonging to Mr. Clements and Mr Bishop. Typescript. n.d 10. Rosa Machell Newport to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of Andree's Bungalow, Nagarazupet, Cuddapah. 31 Oct 1907. 11. Elizabeth Jane George to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of Mission Bungalow, Kadiri. 27 Sep 1907. 12. William Howard Campbell to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of Mission Hospital Compound and land known as Field no.539, both in Jammalamadugu [Jammulamadugu], 24 Jun 1907 13. Ernest William Lewis to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of Second Medical Mission Bungalow, Jammalamadugu, and the New School Site, Jammalamadugu.,22 Jul 1907 14. Annie Mary Crouch to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of the Gogai Girls' School, Kallampatti, Gogai, and the Kicchipaliyam Girls' School, 8 Oct 1908 15. Maurice Phillips to the London Missionary Society Corporation. Registered copy of Transfer of field number 323, Tirrupattur, and Residence of Head Master of the London Mission School, Vaniyambadi, 31 July 1908
Access status: Open
Language: English
File number: 1-2
Format: Archive