Circular to the General Committee No. 238

Includes: Interning Germans in China, from Hongkong [Hong Kong] 17. 2. History of negotiations and the exchange of Notes resulting in the rupture of relations. 19, 2, 17 Minutes of a Meeting in Hongkong [Hong Kong]; Future of British Trade in China; Insurance Companies in Hongkong [Hong Kong]; incom...

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Order number: CHAS/MCP/23
Date(s) of creation: 17 Feb 1917
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: China Association

Order number: CHAS/MCP/23
Summary: Includes: Interning Germans in China, from Hongkong [Hong Kong] 17. 2. History of negotiations and the exchange of Notes resulting in the rupture of relations. 19, 2, 17 Minutes of a Meeting in Hongkong [Hong Kong]; Future of British Trade in China; Insurance Companies in Hongkong [Hong Kong]; income Tax in China; British War Films. 13. 12. 16 Income Tax Proposal, from Consulate General, Shanghai. 6. 2. 17 Minutes of a Meeting in Shanghai. Retirement of Sir John Jordan: Income Tax; American Competition in China during the war; Hongkong [Hong Kong] University, scholarships for Shanghai students; Inspector General of the Customs; Consular salaries; Responsibilities of the Association and the Chamber; Shanghai Wounded Soldiers. 16. 2. 17 Letter from Shanghai. Retirement of Sir John Jordan; Consular salaries. 3. 3. 17 Tientsin [Tianjin] to Shanghai. Consular Salaries.
Main author: China Association
Extent: 1 circular
Access status: Open
Language: English
Physical description: Bound in volume
Format: Archive