Annual Report, 1967-68

Includes: The Cultural Revolution. Excesses. Establishment of Revolutionary Committees. Rebuilding of the Party machinery. Use of the People’s Liberation Army. Mao Tse-tung's Great Strategic Plan. Students called upon to resume studies. Effect of disturbances on the economy. Little buying of capital...

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Order number: CHAS/A/28
Date(s) of creation: 1967-1968
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: China Association

Order number: CHAS/A/28
Summary: Includes: The Cultural Revolution. Excesses. Establishment of Revolutionary Committees. Rebuilding of the Party machinery. Use of the People’s Liberation Army. Mao Tse-tung's Great Strategic Plan. Students called upon to resume studies. Effect of disturbances on the economy. Little buying of capital goods or erection of new plants. Recall Embassy staff from overseas. Raid on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Attack on the Office of HM Charge d'Affaires in Peking [Beijing] and fracas at Portland Place. Detonation of a Hydrogen bomb, the seventh nuclear device. Industry. Stoppages of work in factories and loss of output. Disruption of transport causes shortage of fuel. Appeals for economy in the use of coal and petroleum products. People’s Liberation Army. stationed in major coal mines. Projects completed during the year. Orders for capital equipment placed with foreign suppliers and progress in plants under erection. Agriculture. Limitation of the spread of the Cultural Revolution to rural districts. Effect of the incentive policy. Harvests little affected. Fertiliser supplies and overseas orders, domestic prices. Reported increase in grain crops. Industrial crops including silk set records. Purchases and sales of grain. Transport and Communications. Railways placed under People’s Liberation Army control Port operation disrupted and political activities involve the crews of foreign ships. Additions to the ocean going fleet and charters. Civil Aviation. International Trade. Chou En-Lai calls for the promotion of foreign trade, end of harbour stagnation, clearance of incoming and outgoing cargoes. Exports to China maintained but imports fall. Effect of disturbances and shipping strike in Hongkong. Canton [Guangzhou] Fairs. Foreign Exhibitions. Aid Agreements listed. Foreign Trade Statistics. Figures for the years 1963 to 1966 for Non-communist countries, Communist countries and the total for all countries with details in the Appendix. UK -China Trade. Figures for the years 1963 to 1967. Adverse effects of the Cultural Revolution on diplomatic and trading relations. Imports from and exports to China for the years 1965 to 1967 with commentary. First significant appearance of diamonds among exports. Platinum also growing, probably as a store of value. JMP exchange rates following the devaluation of sterling. Hong Kong Trade with China. Figures for the years 1964 to 1967. Reduction in imports, mainly of manufactured goods. China forbids the use of Hongkong for the transhipment of goods to or from Chinese ports. Sources of foreign currency earnings from Hongkong. Estimate of 1966 earnings. Taiwan. Improvement of trade with the UK. Total trade and rate of economic growth Sino-British Trade Council. Activities. The China Association. Chronological Summary for the period Jan. 26th 1967 to Dec. 25th 1967. Includes: - Macao Agreement with China. Death of Mr Nan Han-Cheng. The Five Demands regarding Hongkong. Closure of Consulate on Shanghai. Death of Yeh Chi-Chuang. Burning of H.B.M. Legation in Peking [Beijing]. Relaxation of restrictions on the movement of diplomats. Appendix. Figures of trade with selected Non-communist and of communist countries for the years 1966 and 1967.
Main author: China Association
Extent: 1 volume
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive