Annual Report, 1932-1933

Includes: The Military situation in Manchuria and the Shanghai area, summary. The Lytton Report. Events in Manchuria: Development of the military situation, capture of Mrs Pawley and Messrs. Corkran and McIntosh, the Shooting of Mrs Woodruff, reopening of the Chinese Eastern Railway. Transactions of...

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Order number: CHAS/A/09
Date(s) of creation: 1932-1933
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: China Association

Order number: CHAS/A/09
Summary: Includes: The Military situation in Manchuria and the Shanghai area, summary. The Lytton Report. Events in Manchuria: Development of the military situation, capture of Mrs Pawley and Messrs. Corkran and McIntosh, the Shooting of Mrs Woodruff, reopening of the Chinese Eastern Railway. Transactions of the League: the Lytton Report, terms of the settlement proposed by the Committee of Nineteen. The Invasion of Jehol: Japanese decision to treat Jehol as part of Manchukuo, military moves against Chang Hsueh-liang, and the Japanese delegation withdraws from Geneva. China's Internal Affairs: gathering in Peking [Beijing] of war lords inimical to the Nationalist government and speculation on the appointment of Pu Yih as Emperor of Manchukuo, resignation of Chang Hsueh-liang, the National Emergency Conference, calls for the creation of a representative Assembly, the National Finance Commission, resignation of Wang Ching-hui and all members of the National Government except Chang Kai-shek, fighting in Shantung, border dispute with Tibet, meeting of the Central Executive Council, resolutions for constitutional reform, report on finances by T.V. Soong*, attacks on the communist forces. Communism and Soviet Russia: The Red armies expelled from Central China, proposals for joint action against Japan, resumption of Sino-Soviet diplomatic relations, Soviet interest in Manchuria. Economic results of Manchukuo: Statistics of Sino-Soviet trade for the years 1927 -1931, Trade Agreement, Japanese seizure of Customs offices, comparison of China and Manchukuo trade with main partners, China's foreign trade for 1931 and 1932, and effect of the anti-Japanese boycott. Silver:* Suspension of the Gold Standard, Loans secured on Customs revenues. Railways: Loans and repayments, traffic conditions. Work of the Committee: The Open Door,, the Shanghai District Court, exchange of Notes renewing the Agreement, relations between the International Settlement and the City Government, Hongkong Government legislation on Foreshore and Sea Bed Works, UK import duty on matting, cooperation with the F.B.I. regarding technical education for Chinese students, grant from the Universities China Committee.* Appendix. The Boxer Indemnity, History and Administration, account given by Mr R. Calder-Marshall. Report by Mr T.V. Soong on China's Finances, balancing of government finances in 1932, budget outline. Customs Service, revised import tariff, abolition of Likin and charges on domestic trade and the resulting losses of revenue, smuggling, figures of Customs Revenues from 1912 to 1932. Salt Administration, revenues since 1913, loss of revenue from Manchukuo. Internal Taxes, consolidation of the tax system, the National accounts for 1931 and 1932. The National Debt, features. Flood Situation, financial and relief measures. Central Bank of China, record of growth, statement of assets and liabilities. The Question of Jehol, legitimacy of the Japanese claim that it forms part of Manchuria. The Annual General Meeting April 20th 1932. Administrative problems at Shanghai, use by China of the services of the League of Nations, the instability of the Chinese currency.
Main author: China Association
Extent: 1 set of minutes
Access status: Open
Language: English
Physical description: Bound in volume
Format: Archive