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Correspondence with the Methodist Church in Ireland
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Christian Concern for Southern Africa archive
Constitution and Policy Papers
Papers and correspondence relating to the setting up of Christian Concern for Southern Africa
Christian Concern for Southern Africa Policy Papers with related background material
Executive Committee
Executive Committee, minutes and papers
Executive Committee, minutes and papers
Executive Committee, minutes and papers
Executive Committee, minutes and papers
Executive Committee, minutes and election papers
Papers relating to administration
Nominations to Executive Committee
Discussion papers
"The future of CCSA", minutes and papers
Annual General Meetings
Annual General Meetings, minutes and papers
Annual General Meeting, minutes, Secretary's report, minutes AGM 1976
Annual General Meeting, agenda, Secretary's report
Annual General Meeting, agenda, minutes, secretary's report, minutes AGM 1981 and 1982, list of foun...
Annual General Meeting, minutes 1983, Secretary's report 1984, end of year accounts 31/12/83
Annual General Meeting, agenda, minutes, minutes AGM 1984, end of year accounts 31/12/84
Annual General Meeting, agenda, minutes AGM 1985, Secretary's report, end of year accounts 31/12/85
Annual General Meeting, agenda, end of year accounts 31/12/82 and 31/12/86
Annual General Meeting, minutes, minutes AGM 1987, end of year accounts 31/12/87
Annual General Meeting, agenda, minutes, Secretary's report, end of year accounts 31/12/88
Annual General Meeting, Secretary's report, end of year accounts 31/12/89
Annual General Meeting, agenda, minutes, end of year accounts 31/12/90
Finance Papers
Financial summary (income and expenditure) 1/10/74 - 31/12/75. Financial planning to year end 31/12/...
Financial papers including income and expenditure, balance sheets, end of year accounts
Applications for grants and donations
Grants and donations received
Correspondence with C. B. Beauman regarding his report, "The ethics of investing in investment trust...
Correspondence between Elliott Kendall and Dr. Charles Elliott, Director of Christian Aid
Correspondence with J. B. Knight, Institute of Economics and Statistics, regarding his 1974 lecture,...
Correspondence with Loet Douwes Dekker, Dept of Sociology University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,...
Correspondence with Rev. David Russell, Crossroads Emergency Camp, South Africa
General correspondence
Correspondence with printers concerning publications
Correspondence with churches and other religious bodies
Correspondence with the Baptist Church
Correspondence with the Board for Social Responsibility (Church of England)
Correspondence with the British Council of Churches, incorporating the Council of Churches for Brita...
Correspondence with the Catholic Institute for International Relations
Correspondence with Christian Aid
Correspondence with the Church Commissioners
Correspondence with the Church Missionary Society
Correspondence with the Church of Scotland
Correspondence with the Church of Scotland Women's Guild
Correspondence with the Congregational Federation
Correspondence with the Congregational Union of Scotland
Correspondence with the Council of Churches for Wales
Correspondence with the Council for German Church Work (in Britain)
Correspondence with the Council for World Mission
Correspondence with the Governing Body of the Church in Wales
Correspondence with the Justice and Peace Commission
Correspondence with the Methodist Church
Correspondence with the Methodist Church in Ireland
Correspondence with Pax Christi
Correspondence with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Correspondence with the Presbyterian Church of Wales
Correspondence with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster
Correspondence with the Roman Catholic Church
Correspondence with the Scottish Episcopal Church
Correspondence with the Society of Friends (Quakers)
Correspondence with the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Correspondence with the Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Correspondence with the United Reformed Church
Correspondence with the United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel
Correspondence with the United States Council of Churches
Correspondence with the World Council of Churches
General correspondence with associate member churches
Affiliated Support Groups
British Groups
Angola Emergency Aid Campaign
Anti Apartheid Movement
Bishop Simeon Trust for Education and Welfare
British Industry Committee on South Africa Ltd.
Christian Association of Business Executives
Christian Ethical Investment Group
Jubilee Group, Cambridge
Legal Assistance Trust
Southern Africa Coalition
World Gold Commission
Papers from various support or interested groups
International Groups
Amnesty International
Association of West European Parliamentarians for Action Against Apartheid (Netherlands)
Ford Foundation (USA)
Harvard University and the School of International Service (USA)
Huddleston International Register of South African War Resisters
Kairos (Netherlands)
West European Network on South African Affairs
Papers from various Canadian groups
Papers from various European groups
Papers from various United States groups
South African Organisation files
African National Congress (ANC), publications, leaflets, correspondence re. ANC links with CCSA
African National Congress (ANC)
Black People's Convention/Black Community Programmes
Bureau of Literacy and Literature in South Africa
Chamber of Mines, South Africa
Christian Institute of South Africa [banned in 1977]
Christian League of Southern Africa (Papers, legal documents, correspondence etc.
Dutch Reformed Churches
Inkatha Movement/Chief Buthelezi, press cuttings
Institute of Industrial Relations, Johannesburg
Media (correspondence concerning attempts to ban 'New Nation')
Progressive Federal Party (scripts of speeches on alternatives to apartheid and business)
SABRITA - South Africa British Trade Association
Southern Africa Catholic Bishop's Conference
Southern Africa Church News - newsletters
South Africa Council of Churches (SACC)
South Africa Council of Churches
South African Federated Chamber of Industries
South Africa Institute of Race Relations (Includes report on US corporate investments and social cha...
South Africa Labour Bulletin
Trade Union Council of South Africa
Urban Training Project, South Africa
'Other Black Organisations', including Inter Church Aid, International Defence and Aid Fund for Sout...
South African groups, including Industrial Aid Society, and the Productivity and Wage Association
Papers relating to government and political parties
South African Government - Correspondence and press cuttings
South African Embassy, London
Correspondence and reports of meetings with Lynda Chalker, Minister of State at the Foreign and Comm...
Press cutting and letter to Home Office relating to South African government agents in Britain
Department of Trade and Industry. "Code of conduct for companies with interests in South Africa". Ye...
House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. Reports and correspondence including letters from the Pr...
Greater London Council. Papers and correspondence.
EC Code of Conduct. Background papers to Conference
EEC literature, reports and correspondence relating to South Africa.
Members of the European Parliament. Correspondence with and list of elected MEPs 1989
Correspondence with Commonwealth Secretary General, Chief Emeka Anyaoku
Papers relating to sanctions and investment groups
General Synod Board for Social Responsibility, "Ethics of Investment consultation", Windsor 20-22/9/...
British Council of Churches "Ethics of Investment Group". Minutes, correspondence and reports
End Loans to South Africa (ELTSA). Newsletters and press cuttings
International Campaign Against Banking on Apartheid (ICABA). Newsletters
Informational literature from various groups against banking in and loans to South Africa
Informational literature and correspondence relating sanctions and disinvestment
CCSA Investment Advisory Group. Minutes, members and correspondence
Oil Working Group Papers
Oil Working Group minutes, press cuttings, correspondence with and reports from interested parties
Informational literature, press cuttings, list of Shell shareholders
"Oil supplies to South Africa - the de Bruyne paper". Report by Kairos and background papers
Correspondence with Shell shareholders, list of supporting shareholders, resolutions for action at S...
Oil embargo committee (with ELTSA). Minutes, newsletters, reports, plans of action, correspondence
Correspondence with and information relating to companies targeted by CCSA for involvement in South ...
Anglo-American Corporation of South Africa Ltd. 1974-1977, Barclays Bank. 1979-1987, British America...
British Petroleum Company PLC.
Chubb and Son Ltd., 1975-6, Coats Paton Ltd., 1975-6, Courtaulds Ltd., 1976, Delta Mental Company Lt...
General Electric Company
Glynwed Ltd., 1975-78, Grand Metropolitan, 1978, Great Universal Stores, 1974-78, Guest, Keen and Ne...
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. (ICI)
International Computers Ltd. 1973-78, Jessel Securites Ltd. 1974-75, Johnson, Mathey and Company Ltd...
Lonrho Ltd. 1974-78, Lucas Industries Ltd. 1975-79, Marks and Spencer 1976, Mather and Platt 1974-76...
Midland Bank Ltd. 1975-78, Mitchell Cotts Group Ltd. 1974-78, National Westminster Bank Ltd. 1977, N...
Plessey Company Ltd. 1976-78, Ranks Hovis McDougall Ltd. 1974-78, Reckitt and Colman Ltd. 1975-78, R...
Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Ltd.
Robertsons Spices. n.d., Rowntree Mackintosh Ltd. 1978-85
Sedgwick Forbes. 1976, Selection Trust Ltd. 1975, Serck Ltd. 1975, SGB Group Ltd. 1974-76
Shell Group of Companies
Simon Engineering. 1976, Slater, Walker Securities Ltd. 1973-76, Smith and Nephew Associated Compani...
Tarmac Ltd. 1974-75, Tate and Lyle Ltd. 1974-78, Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd. 1974-75, Tootal Lt...
Turner and Newall Ltd. 1974-78, Unilever Ltd. 1975-82, Vickers Ltd. 1974-78, Wellcome Foundation Ltd...
General file on companies in South Africa.
General file on United States companies in South Africa
General file on multinational companies in South Africa
Christian Concern for Southern Africa General Reference files
Asbestos Mining in South Africa
Bophuthatswana Independent Homeland
File on Steve Biko
'Contacts in South Africa' - list of addresses
File on Detainees
Frontline States
Gold Production in South Africa
'Misinformation and Propaganda' File containing correspondence and papers on accusations of the Sout...
Namibian Communications Centre, London
File on Violence in South Africa
Trade Union Materials, discussions on Trade Unions in South Africa
File on Women in South Africa
Lobby of Parliament
Details of Lobby plan, list of Lobby registrants, expenditure and press cuttings
Mailing list of participants
Essays, Papers, Seminars and Conferences
Papers, essays and related correspondence from various sources and organisations.
Papers entitled, "Deeds not words: cashing the theological cheques", J. L. Wilkie, CCSA and, "God's ...
Seminar: "The homelands economics"
Seminar: "Disengagement from the economy of South Africa"
Seminar: "Communicating the Gospel of liberation for South Africa"
Seminar: "Disengagement from the economy of South Africa: How can this be implemented by pension fun...
Papers relating to the Croydon conference 27-28/11/84: "Conference to examine the policies of Wester...
Papers relating to the Westminster conference 14/02/87: "South Africa: the way forward in 1987"
Papers relating to the conference 28/11/87: "South Africa and Namibia: the response of the World Chu...
Papers relating to the Edinburgh conference: "Hope and despair in South Africa"
Papers relating to the Exeter conference 24/03/90: "Standing for the truth"
Papers relating to seminar after AGM 07/03/91: "The Commonwealth as a force for good in the world"
Published Materials
Annual Reports for 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1982, 1983
Administration papers relating to 1978 Annual Report
'Analysis' (Christian Concern for Southern Africa newsletter)
'Analysis' correspondence
Christian Concern for Southern Africa press releases
Drafts of Christian Concern for Southern Africa press articles
Christian Concern for Southern Africa advertisements
Christian Concern for Southern Africa publications lists
Media reviews of Christian Concern for Southern Africa publication 'Speaking Out'
Office Administration
Office administration file
Ethical Investment Research Service
File of papers, correspondence, minutes, Annual Reports and Accounts
File of reports and newsletters
Press cuttings
File of loose press cuttings on South Africa and trade
Christian Concern for Southern Africa Publications
Analysis Newsletter/ information sheet.
Folder of general information leaflets on Christian Concern for Southern Africa and small pamphlets ...
'Arms for Apartheid', report by Pat Fitzsimons and Jonathan Bloch
'Black Trade Unionists in South Africa: the responsibilities of British companies', by Rodney Stares
'Britain's economic links with South Africa: a study of existing economic ties and a prelimary asses...
'British banks and South Africa', by Rodney Stares
'The Churches and Violence in South Africa', by Rev Brian Brown
'A Code for Misconduct? A critical study of the implementation of the EC Code of Conduct by British ...
'The Commonwealth as a source of good in the World', Address by the Commonwealth Secretary-General C...
'Consolidated Gold Fields Limited: a review of activities and issues', by Rodney Stares
'Corporate responsibility and the Institutional Investor', Report of a seminar held in November 1973
'Fuelling Apartheid: Shell and the Military'. Published by CCSA, World Council of Churches, KAIROS, ...
'ICI in South Africa', by Rodney Stares
'Investment in South Africa: the options', Report of a seminar held 24 February 1976
'Management Responsibility and African Employment in South Africa'. (Papers presented at Christian C...
'Oil and Apartheid: Churches' challenge to Shell and BP'
'Pension Funds and Investment in South Africa'. Report of a CCSA Seminar on 'Disengagement from the ...
'The policies of Western Governments towards South Africa'. Report of a conference held 27-28 Novemb...
'Political Change in South Africa: Britain's Responsibility'
'Poverty Wages in South Africa: a review of the effectiveness of self-regulation and voluntary discl...
'Rio Tinto-Zinc in Namibia', by Trevor B. Jepson
'South African Involvement of major Church portfolios'. Report for Christian Concern for Southern Af...
'Speaking Out: secret interviews with black workers in South Africa'
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