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'A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter', by Miriam Huffman Rockness (Harold Shaw Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1999)
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Arab World Ministries archive
Algiers Mission Band archive
Home Advisory Council
Home Advisory Council Minutes
Algiers Mission Band. Home Council Minutes
Algiers Mission Band. Home Advisory Council Minute Book
Algiers Mission Band. Minute Book. Home Advisory Council
Home Office Correspondence & Papers
The Algiers Mission Band. 1888. Basis
The Algiers Mission Band. Principles and Practice
Correspondence between Miss Doris E Ahier and Mrs Isobel R. Govan Stewart concerning the latter's bi...
Draft of the Govan-Stewart biography, 'The Love that was Stronger', with correspondence and reviews
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd.
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Minutes
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Minutes
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Legal Papers
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Memoradum & Articles of Association
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Certificate of Incorporation
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Register
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Correspondence & Accounts
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Annual Meetings, Agendas, Minutes, Accounts - Secretary's file
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Board/Seretary's correspondence relating to 5 Eckling Grange a...
Correspondence relating to the liquidation of Société Dar Naama
Office copies of Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Agendas, Minutes and Accounts
Correspondence with the Charity Commssion relating to the Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd.
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Accounts and Vouchers
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account, for the year e...
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure Account, for the year e...
Algiers Mission Band Association Ltd. Ledger
Field Committee (later General Committee)
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
Field Committee Minutes
General (Executive) Committee Minutes
Council of Outlook
Council of Outlook Minutes
Council of Outlook Minutes
Council of Outlook Minutes
Literature Committee
Literature Committee Minutes & Papers
Literature Committee Minutes
Literature Committee Minutes
Literature Committee Minutes
Papers found with Literature Committee Minutes
Société Anonyme Dar Naama
Société Anonyme Dar Naama Legal Papers & Correspondence
Statuts de la Société Anonyme 'Dar Naama', 12 April 1935
'Impots Directs'
'Registre de Commerce'
Papers relating to sale of land at El Biar to M. le Docteur Benabadji
Document relating to sale of property by Mlle Andrée Robert to SA Dar Naama
'Société Anonyme 'Dar Naama''
Société Anonyme Dar Naama: Registre des Proces Verbaux des Assemblées Ordinaires et Extraordinair...
Société Anonyme Dar Naama: Registre [No.2] des Proces Verbaux des Assemblées Generales Annuelles
Registre des Deliberations du Conseil d'Administration de la Société Anonyme Dar Naama
Balances de Fin d'Année
[Société Anonyme Dar Naama] Ledger Book
'Transferts' [Share Transfers]
'Banque Nationale d'Algéries' [Barclays Bank]
North Africa Mission Inc: Conseil d'Administration – empty apart from official stamps (Tangier) 19...
Internal communications
El Couffa magazine
El Couffa magazine, No.1 December 1911 (cover missing)
El Couffa magazine, No.2 March 1912 (Dar Naama/BGLH copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.3, June 1912 (Dar Naama copy – cover loose)
El Couffa magazine, No.4, October 1912 (Blida copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.5, December 1912 (Lilias Trotter Alger copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.6, April 1913 (Lilias Trotter copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.7, June 1913 (Lilias Trotter copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.8, October 1913 (Dar Naama/BGLH copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.9, January 1914 (Lilias Trotter copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.10, April 1914 (Miliana copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.11, June 1914 (Dar Naama copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.12, October 1914 (Lilias Trotter copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.13, War Number, July 1915 (from Lilias Trotter's complete set)
El Couffa magazine, No.14, War Number II, April 1916 (Miliana copy)
El Couffa magazine, No.15, South Land Number, July 1917 (El Haima III copy)
Scrapbook 1911-1912
Scrapbook 1912-1913
Scrapbook 1913-1914
Scrapbook 1915
Scrapbook 1916-1917
Scrapbook/Photograph Album
Scrapbook Miliana 1916
Scrapbook Miliana
Publications for supporters at Home
Algiers Mission Band Journals
Algiers, 1907
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.1
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.2
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.3
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.4
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.5
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.6
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.7
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.8
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.9
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No.10
Algiers Mission Band. Journal No. XI [11]
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1910
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1911
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1912
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1912. No.2
Algiers Mission Band. Back-ground and Fore-ground
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1913 [No.1]
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1913 No.2
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1914 No.1
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1914 No.2
Algiers Mission Band. Journal 1915 No.1
Algiers Mission Band. Journal May-Aug 1915 No.2
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Winter 1915-1916
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Summer 1916
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Winter 1916-1917
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Summer 1917
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Winter 1917-1918
Algiers Mission Band. Journal Summer 1918
Algiers Mission Band. Winter Journal Oct 1918-Apr 1919
Algiers Mission Band. Summer Journal 1919
Algiers Mission Band. Journal [1919. New Series No.1]
Algiers Mission Band. Journal [Apr 1920. New Series No.2]
Algiers Mission Band. Journal [1921. New Series No.3]
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. Jun-Dec 1921. New Series No.4
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. Jan-Jul 1922. New Series No.5
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. Jul-Dec 1922. New Series No.6
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. Jan-Jun 1923. New Series No.7
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. 1924. New Series No.8
Algiers Mission Band. Journal. Jan-Oct 1925. New Series No.9
A Thirsty Land: The Quarterly Magazine of the Algiers Mission Band
A Thirsty Land. No.1. Summer 1927
A Thirsty Land. No.2. Autumn 1927
A Thirsty Land. No.3. Winter 1927-1928
A Thirsty Land. No.4. Spring 1928
A Thirsty Land. No.5. Summer 1928
A Thirsty Land. No.6. Autumn 1928
A Thirsty Land. No.7. Winter 1928-1929
A Thirsty Land. No.8. Spring 1929
A Thirsty Land. No.9. Summer 1929
A Thirsty Land. No.10 Autumn 1929
A Thirsty Land. Vol.iv. No.11 Winter 1929-1930
A Thirsty Land. Vol.iv. No.12 Spring 1930
A Thirsty Land. Vol.iv. No.13 Summer 1930
A Thirsty Land. Vol.iv. No.14 Autumn 1930
A Thirsty Land. No.15 Winter 1930-1931
A Thirsty Land. No.16 Spring 1931
A Thirsty Land. No.17 Summer 1931
A Thirsty Land. No.18 Autumn 1931
A Thirsty Land. No.19 Winter 1931-1932
A Thirsty Land. No.20 Spring 1932
A Thirsty Land. No.21 Summer 1932
A Thirsty Land. No.22 Autumn 1932
A Thirsty Land. No.23 Winter 1932-1933
A Thirsty Land. No.24 Spring 1933
A Thirsty Land. No.25 Summer 1933
A Thirsty Land. No.26 Autumn 1933
A Thirsty Land. No.27 Winter 1933-1934
A Thirsty Land. No.28 Spring 1934
A Thirsty Land. No.29 Summer 1934
A Thirsty Land. No.30 Autumn 1934
A Thirsty Land. No.31 Winter 1934-1935
A Thirsty Land. No.32 Spring 1935
A Thirsty Land. No.33 Summer 1935
A Thirsty Land. No.34 Autumn 1935
A Thirsty Land. No.35 Winter 1935-1936
A Thirsty Land. No.36 Spring 1936
A Thirsty Land. No.37 Summer 1936
A Thirsty Land. No.38 Autumn 1936
A Thirsty Land. No.39 Winter 1936-1937
A Thirsty Land. No.40 Spring 1937
A Thirsty Land. No.41 Summer 1937
A Thirsty Land. No.42 Autumn 1937
A Thirsty Land. No.43 Winter 1937-1938
A Thirsty Land. No.44 Spring 1938
A Thirsty Land. No.45 Summer 1938
A Thirsty Land. No.46 Autumn 1938
A Thirsty Land. No.47 Winter 1938-1939
A Thirsty Land. No.48 Spring 1939
A Thirsty Land. No.49 Summer 1939
A Thirsty Land. No.50 Autumn 1939
A Thirsty Land. No.51 Winter 1939-1940
A Thirsty Land. No.52 Spring 1940
A Thirsty Land. No.53 Summer 1940
A Thirsty Land. No.54 Autumn 1940
A Thirsty Land. No.55 Winter 1940-1941
A Thirsty Land. No.56 Spring 1941
A Thirsty Land. No.57 Summer 1941
A Thirsty Land. No.58 Autumn 1941
A Thirsty Land. No.59 Winter 1941-1942
A Thirsty Land. No.60 Spring 1942
A Thirsty Land. No.61 Summer 1942
A Thirsty Land. No.62 Autumn 1942
A Thirsty Land. No.63 Winter 1942-1943
A Thirsty Land. No.64 Spring 1943
A Thirsty Land. No.65 Summer 1943
A Thirsty Land. No.66 Autumn 1943
A Thirsty Land. No.67 Winter 1943-1944
A Thirsty Land. No. Spring 1944
A Thirsty Land. No.69 Summer 1944
A Thirsty Land. No.70 Autumn 1944
A Thirsty Land. No.71 Winter 1944-1945
A Thirsty Land. No.72 Spring 1945
A Thirsty Land. No.73 Summer 1945
A Thirsty Land. No.74 Autumn 1945
A Thirsty Land. No.75 Winter 1945-1946
A Thirsty Land. No.76 Spring 1946
A Thirsty Land. No.77 Summer 1946
A Thirsty Land. No.78 Autumn 1946
A Thirsty Land. No.79 Winter 1946-1947
A Thirsty Land. No.80 Spring 1947
A Thirsty Land. No.81 Summer 1947
A Thirsty Land. No.82 Autumn 1947
A Thirsty Land. No.83 Winter 1948
A Thirsty Land. No.84 Spring 1948
A Thirsty Land. No.85 Summer 1948
A Thirsty Land. No.86 Autumn 1948
A Thirsty Land. No.87 Winter 1949
A Thirsty Land. No.88 Spring 1949
A Thirsty Land. No.89 Summer 1949
A Thirsty Land. No.90 Autumn 1949
A Thirsty Land. No.91 Winter 1950
A Thirsty Land. No.92 Spring 1950
A Thirsty Land. No.93 Summer 1950
A Thirsty Land. No.94 Autumn & Winter 1950
A Thirsty Land. No.95 Spring 1951
A Thirsty Land. No.96 Summer 1951
A Thirsty Land. No.97 Autumn 1951
A Thirsty Land. No.98 Winter 1951-1952
A Thirsty Land. No.99 Spring 1952
A Thirsty Land. No.100 Summer 1952
A Thirsty Land. No.101 Autumn 1952
A Thirsty Land. No.102 Winter 1952-3
A Thirsty Land. No.103 Spring 1953
A Thirsty Land. No.104 Summer 1953
A Thirsty Land. No.105 Autumn & Winter 1953-4
A Thirsty Land. No.106 Spring 1954
A Thirsty Land. No.107 September 1954
A Thirsty Land. No.108 December 1954
A Thirsty Land. No.109 March 1955
A Thirsty Land. No.110 June 1955
A Thirsty Land. No.111 September 1955
A Thirsty Land. No.112 December 1955
A Thirsty Land. No.113 March 1956
A Thirsty Land. No.114 June 1956
A Thirsty Land. No.115 September 1956
A Thirsty Land. No.116 December 1956
A Thirsty Land. No.117 March 1957
A Thirsty Land. No.118 June 1957
A Thirsty Land. No.119 September 1957
A Thirsty Land. No.120 December 1957
A Thirsty Land. No.121 March 1958
A Thirsty Land. No.122 June 1958
A Thirsty Land. No.123 September 1958
A Thirsty Land. No.124 December 1958
A Thirsty Land. No.125 March 1959
A Thirsty Land. No.126 June 1959
A Thirsty Land. No.127 September 1959
A Thirsty Land. No.128 December 1959
A Thirsty Land. No.129 March 1960
A Thirsty Land. No.130 June 1960
A Thirsty Land. No.131 September 1960
A Thirsty Land. No.132 December 1960
A Thirsty Land. No.133 March 1961
A Thirsty Land. No.134 June 1961
A Thirsty Land. No.135 September 1961
A Thirsty Land. No.136 December 1961
A Thirsty Land. No.137 January-February 1962
A Thirsty Land. No.138 March-April 1962
A Thirsty Land. No.139 May-June 1962
A Thirsty Land. No.140 July-August 1962
A Thirsty Land. No.141 November-December 1962
A Thirsty Land. No.142 January-February 1963
A Thirsty Land. No.143 March-April 1963
A Thirsty Land. No.144 June 1963
A Thirsty Land. No.145 September 1963
A Thirsty Land. No.146 December 1963
A Thirsty Land. No.147 March 1964
A Thirsty Land. No.148 May 1964
Indexes to A Thirsty Land, 1927-1945
Annual Résumés
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1913
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1914
Algiers Mission Band. Resumé for the Year 1915
Algiers Mission Band. Resumé for the Year 1918
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1919-20
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1920-21
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1921-22
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1922-23
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1923-24
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1924-25
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1925-26
Algiers Mission Band. Story of 1926-27
[Typescript for Story of 1934]
Prayer Bulletins
The Open Doors [A.M.B.] of the Spring of February 1923
Together No.1
Together No.3
Together No. 5
Newsletters of the Algerian Mission Band America
Algerian Mission Band America. Newsletter No.24
Algerian Mission Band America. Newsletter No.27
Miscellaneous supporter materials
'The House of Dawn: Report of Short Service Work in Algiers 1914-15', by I. Lilias Trotter
Who will go for US?'
Horizons of Hope' (Algiers Mission Band, Algiers and London, 1958)
'Algiers Mission Band'
'Algiers Mission Band. 1948 Annual'
'Algiers Mission Band'
Typed article on the history of the Algiers Mission Band [author: Jessie Stalley?]
Letter to 'Dear young friends', written by Harold Stalley, and translated into French by Pierre Nico...
Article, 'Algeria. A Province of Barbary'
Publications for use in the Field (Literature Ministry)
Tracts and booklets by Lilias Trotter
'A South Land: to fellow Labourers among Mohammedans', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd....
'The Glory of the Impossible', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd.)
'Sand Lilies', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd., reprinted from 'Blessed be Egypt')
'Cherry Blossom', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd., reprinted from 'The Moslem World')
'Winter Buds', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd., reprinted from 'Blessed be Egypt')
'Smouldering', by Lilias Trotter (London: Church Missionary Society)
'Smouldering', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and the North Africa Mission)
'Pyrelden' – a Swedish version of 'Smouldering', by Lilias Trotter (Kvinnliga Missions-Arbetare, S...
'Vibrations: The Pillars of the Court', from a manuscript by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band, c...
'Vibrations: The Pillars of the Court', (Algiers Mission Band, reprinted 1936, stamped North Africa ...
'A Ripened Life', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and the North Africa Mission)
'A Ripened Life', by Lilias Trotter (reprinted 1929 from 'A Thirsty Land', Algiers Mission Band, Cro...
'A Ripened Life', by Lilias Trotter (The Fellowship of Faith for the Moslems, 1944)
'A Challenge to Faith', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band, Algiers)
'A Challenge to Faith', by Lilias Trotter ( (Revised, Algiers Mission Band, Woking)
'A Challenge to Faith', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band, Gordon Rd, re-stamped by North Afri...
'Focussed', by Lilias Troter (Algiers Mission Band, London)
'Trained to Rule', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band)
'A Life on Fire', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd.)
'A Life on Fire', by Lilias Trotter (London: Marshall Bros Ltd. - later edition)
'A Life on Fire', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and the North Africa Mission)
'A Life on Fire', by Lilias Trotter (Fellowship of Faith for the Moslems, 1943)
'Vies Embrasées' - French translation of 'A Life on Fire', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band)
'A Thirsty Land and God's Channels', by Lilias Trotter (Fellowship of Faith for the Moslems, 1945)
'In Memoriam. Ten of Miss Trotter's Oriental Story-Parables', (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission...
'The Bedouin and His Camel', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The Weaving of Said the Silk Weaver', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Pre...
'The Robe of Er-Rashid', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'Naseefa, the Slave Girl', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The River that Rose', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The Stream and the Source', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The Lost Ones in the Sahara', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The Debt of Ali Ben Omar', by Lilias Trotter (Algiers Mission Band and Nile Mission Press,1928)
'The Robe of Er Rashid', by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press)
'The Letter that came from a Far Country', by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press)
'The Coin that did not ring', by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press)
'The Golden Casket and the Casket of Silver' by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press)
'Histoire de Trois Garçons du Temps Passé, by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press)
'Guide pour ceux qui cherchent et pour ceux qui ont trouvé', d’après I. L. Trotter (Alger)
'Heavenly Light on the Daily Path', by Lilias Trotter - original cyclostyled version, produced in ho...
'Heavenly Light on the Daily Path', by Lilias Trotter (North India Christian Tract and Book Society,...
'Heavenly Light on the Daily Path', by Lilias Trotter (North India Christian Tract and Book Society,...
'AMB Serie' [Algiers Mission Band Tracts Series]
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] Nos 1-10
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] Nos 11-20
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] Nos 21-30
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] Nos 31-39
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] No 40
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] No 41-50
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] No 51-60
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] No 61-70
AMB Serie [A.M.B. Tracts] No 71-80 & 776
A.M.B. Tracts - not numbered
A.M.B "Outlook" Series
Additional tracts published jointly with the Nile Mission Press
'Stories of Three Boys Long Ago', No.2, Series of Story-Parables (translated from the Arabic)
'The Debt of Ali Ben Omar', No.2A, Series of Story-Parables (translated from the Arabic)
'The Weaving of Said, the Silk Weaver', No.4a, Series of Story-Parables (translated from the Arabic)
'The Bedouin and His Camel' - one of a series of Arabic Parables
'The Story of the Nightingale' - one of a series of Arabic Parables
'La Crue de la Rivière' (Algiers Mission Band and the Nile Mission Press)
'Le Sentier Merveilleux' (Algiers Mission Band and the Nile Mission Press)
'L'Année des Sauterelles', [Harold Stalley's copy – stamped Relizane] and English version 'The Ye...
L'Horizon Nouveau' and English version 'The New Horizon', written by BGLH in 1916 (Algiers Mission B...
'Idris the Diver', author not named (Algiers Mission Band and the Nile Mission Press)
'La Vendetta D'el Hanouchi' (Algiers Mission Band and the Nile Mission Press)
'Ombres de la Vérité' (Nile Mission Press and Algiers Mission Band, 1931). Contains six tales: 'L'...
'Le Lis du Désert', French translation of an Arab story. NMP No.606
'Les Lis Blancs d'Étang', NMP No.667
'L'Histoire de Joseph', NMP, 1927, with illustrations by Harold Copping. Sold by AMB
'Les Chaussures de Baba Kassem' [No 1 of la Sagesse de L'Oncle Suleiman], NMP No. 739
'Le Message du Roi' [No.2 of La Sagesse de l'Oncle Suleiman] NMP No.740
'La Fleur de la Forêt', NMP, No. 747 of 750
'La Guzzana et le Collier', NMP, Cairo
'Les Filles du Roi ou des Vies dignes d'etre vécus' – for young girls and women, NMP
'North African Girls and Boys of Today and Long Ago', A. E. Theobald (Nile Mission Press). Reprinted...
'Zenib the Unwanted: The Story of an Arab Girl', by Helen Freeman
Additional tracts in Arabic
[In the Desert - The Desert Journey, Nile Mission Press]
[The Story of the Cleaner … ?, Nile Mission Press, 1924]
[The Man Who Sank in the Sand]
[The Story of the House of Hassan]
[The Light of Lights / I Am the Door / Sevenfold Secret]
[Acts 4:12]
[John 14:6]
[Isaiah 53:5,6]
[Romans. Life & Death]
[Acts 10:32]
[Psalm 9:9]
[Isaiah 55:8 - Receiving the Lord?]
[The Way of Salvation]
[Heavenly Light on the Daily Path, Nile Mission Press]
[The Sayings of Paul the Apostle]
[Idris the Diver]
[The Sovereignty of God. Beyrouth]
[The Sultan?]
[Steps Towards Healing? 1909]
[The Book of the News of Paradise]
[Light of Life. 1915. Printed by the American Press?]
[A Prayer for Mercy]
[The Good Answer / The Bedouin and the Camel]
[The Bedouin and the Camel]
5 unidentified items
Songbooks (Arabic)
'Cantiques en Arabe-Parlé d'Algérie et de Tunisie'
GMU music book, stamped Algiers Mission Band
Artwork for tracts & publications
Three unidentified artwork blocks [could be Lilias Trotter?]
''On the Damascus Road' – 4 pictures drawn by Elsie Anna Wood of CMS [Church Missionary Society]
4 pictures for [Naaman & the Syrian Maid]
4 pictures for [Feeding of 5,000]
4 pictures for [Healing of the Nobleman's Son]
11 pictures for [Life of David]
Picture [The Prayer in the Middle of the Night]
Picture [King Neb …Daniel]
Triptych of pictures [Story of Moses]
Unidentified mock-up on tracing paper [by Lilias Trotter?]
Unidentified picture [for tract on Isaac?]
One paper with three drawings of a gazelle
Unidentified printed picture showing three scenes including a lamb
Miscellaneous tracts & booklets
A Picture Sermon of Arab Faces from Algeria and Tunisia, possibly published by North Africa Mission ...
'De L'Esclavage du Péché à la Liberté' – a tract of French provenance, in English 'The Word of...
'L'Histoire de Mansour el Karim et de Naker el Khir', iillustrated
Tracts, articles & booklets in draft
'Tracts in French for Muslims'
'Specimen Portions in Arabic and French'
'One for Boys', by Alice McIlroy
Tract in Arabic [unidentified]
'Parable Thoughts from the Desert' (from Lilias Trotter's Journal)
'A Visit to Algiers'
'The Children of the Sandhills'
'The Village of the Sweetie-man'
'Daniel the Prophet and his Comrades' [Lilias Trotter] with a mock-up for the French Translation
'Histoire d'Abram – fils de Tharé'
'A Faith Venture'
'Fasting or Feasting'
'Moussa's Camel Ride'
'Little Freedom', by Millicent Roche
'Three Boys in the Forest'
'The Miner's Story'
'The boy who walked alone?' (hand-written)
'Abdullah. A Dialogue'
'A Pink Shell and a Brown Berry', by Blanche Haworth
'Les Filles du Roi ou des vies dignes d'être vécues. Récits pour les jeunes filles et les jeunes ...
'2pp leaflets for Men?' - 'The Excuses of Jeha'; 'The Wave of the Earthquake'; 'Countries and their ...
'La Conne Ménagerie achetaut de la laine. Une femme vertueuse'
'La Merveille Du Livre' - 'The Wonder of the Book', by Canon Dyson Hayne
Isabella Lilias Trotter: personal papers, writings and artwork
Personal diaries
Diary 1899
Diary 1900
Diary 1901
Diary 1902
Diary 1903
Diary 1904
Diary 1905
Diary 1906
Diary 1907
Diary 1908
Diary 1909
Diary 1910
Diary 1911
Diary 1912
Diary 1913
Diary 1914
Diary 1915
Diary 1916
Diary 1917
Diary 1918
Diary 1919
Diary 1920
Diary 1921
Diary 1922
Diary 1923
Diary 1924
Diary 1925
Diary 1926
Diary 1927
Diary 1928
Diary transcripts
Typescript copy of 1898 diary
Typescript copy of 1899 diary
Blida Journal
Blida Journal
Blida Journal
Blida Journal
Blida Journal
Blida Journal
'A Week in a Strong City'
Journal Extracts with Artwork
Early journals & extracts with artwork
Early journals & extracts with artwork
Early journals & extracts with artwork
Original leather folders used for early journals & extracts with artwork
Personal Papers
Log of letters sent out
Early letters from Lilias Trotter
Letters from Lilias Trotter
Printed Circular letters
Letters to Lilias Trotter
Notebooks, notes for talks & writings
Notebook (without cover) containing notes on Scripture
Postcard, written by Lilias Trotter with a reflection on the tomb of the Good Shepherd in Tipasa
'Notes on Moslem Mysticism'
Notes for a reflection called 'Springing Water' with a newspaper cutting on Tolga's artesian well at...
'Bars of Iron - for Shelter booklet or leaflet', written by hand
Loose notes, 'Except a man be born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God' and 1 Cor. 15
'Preliminary Talk on the meaning of immersion', typescript
'Life through his Name', handwritten
'The Faith that Honors God', handwritten
'Our Battlefield', handwritten
'Outline of [?] Tovil's history (or the 4 hours man) taken from letters, journals abd personal knowl...
Si Amar the Tovil's translation of Isaiah 53 for M.G. [Mabel Grautoff?] - envelope contains a handwr...
Notebook 'Egypt 1915. Designs - Colours, etc. Manuscript of certain Tracts'
Miscellaneous personal papers
40th anniversary card for Lilias Trotter to commemorate her arrival in Algiers (Mar 9 1888-Mar 9 192...
Printed booklet entitled 'Cherry Blossom'
'Plea for the use of Versions of Scripture and of Literature in the Vulgar Arabic', typescript (copy...
'Lettre aux Scheikhs de l'Islam', typescript
Proofs of drawings by Miss Elsie A. Wood of Cairo. As specimens of study in modern black & white wor...
Miscellaneous handwritten verses (in French, English and Arabic)
2 Hymns, typescript
'A Trotter Mosaic'
Folder/notebook with illustrated cover
Documents relating to the expulsion of missionaries from Algeria 1893 and Revocation 1894
Original Artwork
Illustrations for 'Between the Desert and the Sea', by Lilias Trotter
Original illustrations for 'Between the Desert and the Sea', by Lilias Trotter
Copies of illustrations for 'Between the Desert and the Sea', by Lilias Trotter
Lilias Trotter's first drawing book, written in by her mother
1877 travel sketchbook of a journey from Beatenberg to Venice
1878 sketchbook of Lilias Trotter, 40, Montagu Square, containing watercolours and drawings
1888 sketchbook
Sketchbook of illuminated, decorative borders and drawings, with writing in French
Miscellaneous watercolours & drawings [loose]
Arab figures
Arab teacher and class
Distant Mountains, rocky foreground with shrubs
Solitary camel on a plain – a study in grey
Two camels on a cliff edge – a study in grey, black and white
Five figures dressed in white
Sea shore with anchor
'Cairo to Assiout'
Small illustrated text [tract ?], including 'The Walk on the Sea', 'The Piece of Silver' and 'The Go...
'O that Ishmael might live', illustrated
Small watercolour of sea caves
Small circular painting of a plant
Small rectangular painting of seedpods
'On the Beach - Porlock Weir'
Through the sand dunes, looking out to sea
Paintings of plants on card
Two female figures
Illustrations for 'The Field of Sahab en Niya' ['The Field of en Niya']
'Shepherdless Sheep' - printed black and white drawing by Lilias Trotter [used for recruitment purpo...
Pencil drawing, 'A Corner of Tozeur, Mosque & Zouaia. On the way to the station'
Isabella Lilias Trotter: published works
Published works in draft
'The Way of the Seven Secrets'
'Between the Desert and the Sea'
'Heavenly Light on Daily Life'
'In a South Land'
'The Copper Pieces – from the world of long ago'
'The Other Shore'
'La Dernière Ficelle de la Corde'
Notes on a Bible book for boys [?]
Mock-up of 'Parables of the Christ-Life'
Miscellaneous tracts & writings in draft
Published works
Books published by Lilias Trotter
'Parables of the Cross', by I. Lilias Trotter (Marshall, Morgan & Scott Ltd, London & Edinburgh, in ...
'Parables of the Cross', by I. Lilias Trotter. 1964 edition, published by Arab World Ministries, USA
'Parables of the Christ-life', by I. Lilias Trotter. 2003 reproduction by Three Brothers Books, St L...
'Parables of the Cross and the Christ-life', by I. Lilias Trotter (Marshall Brothers Ltd, London & E...
'Parables of the Cross and the Christ-life', by I. Lilias Trotter (Marshall Brothers Ltd, London & E...
'Parables of the Cross and Parables of the Christ-Life', by I. Lilias Trotter. Mimeographed edition,...
'Between the Desert and the Sea', by I. Lilias Trotter (Marshall, Morgan and Scott, London and Edinb...
'The Way of the Sevenfold Secret', by Lilias Trotter (G and C Kiraz, an imprint of Gorgias Press, Pi...
'The Way of the Sevenfold Secret', by Lilias Trotter (Nile Mission Press) with a foreword by Rennie ...
'Les Sept Secrets du Chemin de Dieu' ['The Way of the Sevenfold Secret'], by Lilias Trotter (Alger, ...
['The Way of the Sevenfold Secret', by Lilias Trotter]
'The Way of the Watercourses', reprinted from 'A Thirsty Land' in 'The Warrior' (magazine of the Sal...
'Bible History Lessons for Junior Classes. For the use of Sunday School Teachers', by I. Lilias Trot...
'What God hath Used. A selection of some 30 translations'. (Nile Mission Press, Cairo). Edited by Ar...
Biographies, Compilations & Reproductions
'I. Lilias Trotter. Founder of the Algiers Mission Band', by Blanche A. F. Pigott (Marshall, Morgan ...
An incomplete flyer for 'I. Lilias Trotter. Founder of the Algiers Mission Band', by Blanche A. F. P...
'Lilias Trotter of Algiers', by Constance E. Padwick. Reprinted from an original article in the Inte...
'The Master of the Impossible. Sayings, for the Most Part in Parable, from the Letters and Journals ...
'The Love that was Stronger: Lilias Trotter of Algiers', by I. R. Govan-Stewart (London, published f...
'The Love that was Stronger: Lilias Trotter of Algiers', by I. R. Govan-Stewart. Proof-read typescri...
'Until the Day Breaks: The Life and Work of Lilias Trotter. Pioneer Missionary to Muslim North Afric...
'A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter', by Miriam Huffman Rockness (Harold Shaw ...
'A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter', by Miriam Huffman Rockness (second editi...
'A Blossom in the Desert: Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter', compiled ...
'Lilias Trotter. Daring in the Desert', by Irene Howat (Christian Focus Publications, Scotland, 2016...
'Lily. The Girl Who Could See', by Sally Oxley & Tim Ladwig with Miriam Huffman Rockness (Oxvision B...
'Many Beautiful Things: The Life and Vision of Lilias Trotter'. A film by Laura Waters Hinson (Oxvis...
'A Way of Seeing. The Inward & Outeard Vision of Lilias Trotter', edited & compiled by Miriam Huffma...
'Lilias Trotter's 1876 Sketchbook. Scenes from Lucerne to Venice'. Facsimilie edition (Oxvision Book...
'Lilias Trotter's 1889 Sketchbook. Scenes from North Africa, Italy & Switzerland'. Facsimilie Editio...
Papers relating to the deaths of founders
Papers relating to Lilias Trotter's will, funeral and burial
Copy of the Will of Miss Isabella Lilias Trotter, 1925
Codicil to the Will of Miss Isabella Lilias Trotter, 15 Aug 1925
Directions [relating to her Will], Dar Naama, Jun 1926, prepared by Lilias Trotter
Papers relating to funeral/burial expenses for Lilias Trotter, and her memorial stone
Purchase of Burial plot in the Boulevard Bru for Lilias Trotter, Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth and He...
'Delivrance de Legs pas les Héritiers de M'elle Trotter à Mesdemoiselles Lucie et Krebs et Butler'...
Letters, Cards & Telegrams of condolence
Condolence telegrams received on the death of Lilias Trotter
Condolence cards received on the death of Lilias Trotter
Condolence letters received on the death of Lilias Trotter
Other letters relating to Lilias Trotter's death
Obituaries for Lilias Trotter
Published obituaries for Lilias Trotter
Personal memorials/tributes to Lilias Trotter
Letters & reviews in connection with Blanche Piggot's biography on Lilias Trotter
Letters & reviews in connection with Blanche Piggot's biography on Lilias Trotter
Papers relating to will and estate of Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth
Copy Will of Miss Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth, 13 Oct 1905
Miss Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth deceased. Administrator's Account
Handwritten codicil to the Will of Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth, bequeathing to Lilias Trotter her p...
Typescript list of Securities held by Messrs Hoare on 6 May 1918 on account of Blanche Grace Lumley ...
Miss Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth deceased. Securities suggested to be transferred to represent £16...
The late Mrs E. L. Haworth's Settlement of 28 Apr 1855. Copy Statement and Account on the distribut...
The late Mrs E. L. Haworth's Will Trust. Copy Statement and Account on the distribution of the Trus...
In Memoriam – B.G.L. Haworth' – printed obituary by Lilias Trotter, written in Algiers 9 April 1...
Women's International Auxiliary', a paper written by Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth
Correspondence with Nicholl, Manesty & Co., re Dar Naama property in the residuary estate of Blanche...
Miscellaneous papers from residuary estates
Miscellaneous papers from residuary estates
Personal papers of Band Members
Helen Freeman
Helen F. Freeman: pages from her 1887 diary
Diary for 1901
Diary for 1902
Accounts for Helen Freeman's Estate
Invoices relating to Helen Freeman's addressed to Pierre Nicoud
John Henry Smeeton
Obituary from The Life of Faith newspaper, by Grace Moore
Obituary from the Manchester Guardian, 24.10.1928, from a correspondent
Obituary from the Times, 30.10.1928
Obituary from the Children's Newspaper, 10.11.1928
Janet Kathleen Butler
'Approximate Estimate for Insurance'
Pencil handwritten copy of the 'Papier Timbré' , signed by Janet Kathleen Butler, January 1937, wit...
An inventory of Kathleen Butler's possessions, priced
Correspondence between the solicitor dealing with her estate and Sascha Perkin.
An article/address on the subject of 'Arab Womanhood', which carries the initials of KB and MR [ Kat...
A paper on Arab women entitled 'A Sheep without a Shepherd' by Millicent Roche
Pierre Nicoud
Correspondence from Bussetti Frères, Alger, relating to a monument at Cimitière Bru
Handwritten notes relating to a reunion at Dar Naama
Mabel D Grautoff
A handwritten list of Mabel Grautoff's furniture to be left in the care of M. Midenet, Ghardaia, 23....
Letter from M. Midenet to Mabel Grautoff concerning his hotel du M'Zab, written from Ghardaia, 3 Feb...
Mabel Grautoff's copy of 'Rally Hymns. Christmas. The Year of the War', Dar Naama
Two personal cards sent to Eva and Peter Longley in the 1960's, with paintings by Mabel Grautoff
'Les Puritains du Désert: André Chevrillon', (Algiers,1927)
'Terre Mozabite -Rhapsodie Saharienne' ( José Gers, Brussels, 1933)
'La Civilisation Urbaine au Mzab: Ghardaia la Mysterieuse: M Mercier' (Soubron, Alger 1922) – pers...
Ida Kathleen Nash
'Beauté [a storybook for children], by Ida Kathleen Nash, photos by Mlle Marie Ruperto
Harold Buckenham
Letter on Algiers Mission Band headed notepaper from H Buckenham [to Pierre Nicoud], from Blida
New Year letter, 1948, in French, signed by H Buckenham
Miscellaneous papers from Band Members
Signed declaration by Si Amar, with regard to payment on leaving Dar Naama
Receipt for payment from Pierre Nicoud for building work done at Dar Naama, by Joachim Nadal, and a ...
Letter in French from Ouled-Fayet reporting on colportage ministry
Document entitled 'Tournée Relizane', 22 October 1939, reporting on colportage ministry
Letter of thanks to Sascha Perkin, dated 20 February 1945, from Major ? of H.Q. British Troops North...
A class register
'Lahkayat an ouhara itachan' [Berber language text?]
'Thamilla "The Turtle Dove". A Story of the Mountains of Algeria', by Ferdinand Duchêne (Fleming H....
Dr Samuel Zwemer [Cairo Study Centre]
'Notes on Apologetics', Rev. S. M. Zwemer D.D., Cairo (unrevised) - Tlemcen copy
'How to use the Bible with Moslems', Rev. S. M. Zwemer D.D., Cairo (unrevised) - Blida and Dar El Fe...
Photographs, postcards and visual materials
Photograph albums
'A Holiday in Algeria', July 1928
'Relizane and some of its Inhabitants', January 1930
Untitled photograph album
Large photographs
Dar Naama. A.M.B. [Algiers Mission Band] Headquarters
Front door of Dar Naama
Orange Court, Dar Naama
Rally, October 1931
Miss C. W. May, taken by Barrows of Boston
[Two May sisters]
[Helen Freeman as a younger woman]
Helen Freeman [as an older woman]
Alice Kemp
Unidentified clergyman
Small photographs & postcards
Photographs of Lilias Trotter
Church in Tlemcen
Market Place, Ghardaia [Ghardaïa]
Interior of a mission station [possibly Miliana?]
Dar Naama (interior & exterior)
Dar Naama (garden)
Members of the Algiers Mission Band
Members of the Algiers Mission Band - unidentified individuals
Florence and Zohra
Photographs of unidentified Algerian people
Miscellaneous photographs
Photographs, postcards and album pages belonging to Clara Mennell
Postcards and letters from Clara Mennell to her niece, Sister Winifred Richardson
Miscellaneous postcards
Map of North Africa, showing mission stations
'Carte de L'Algérie, L'Afrique, L'Asie & La Turquie D'Europe. Domaine Géographique des Confréries...
'Carte de L'Algérie Indiquant La Marche, La Situation & L'Importance Des Ordres Religieux Musulmans...
General publications
'The Moslem World of Today', ed. John R Mott (Hodder and Stoughton, 1925)
'Our Moslem Sisters: A Cry of Need from Lands of Darkness Interpreted by Those Who Heard It', ed. An...
'Miss Trotter et sa méthode missionaire parmi les musulmans', Philippe Decorvet (B.Th thesis, Genev...
'Fifty Years of Evangelical Missionary Movement in North Africa: 1881-1931', by Willy Normann Heggo...
'The Missionary Review of All Nations', No. 109, October 1931, p.128
'Marabouts et Khouan: Etude sur L'Islam en Algerie', Louis Rinn, (Alger, Jourdan, 1884)
'Supplément Musical au Receuil de Cantiques Arabes', ed. Percy Smith (Bureau des Publications Méth...
Official Minutes of the Second Annual Meeting of the Mission in North Africa of the Methodist Episco...
'Forgotten Neighbour: The Story of the North Africa Mission' (printed by Oscar Blackford Ltd, Truro,...
'Build This House: The Church in North Africa', by A. Douglas Pilcher, General Secretary, North Afri...
'Lilias Trotter and the Algiers Mission Band', by Sue Brown, article in African Research & Documenta...
Similar items
'A Passion for the Impossible: The Life of Lilias Trotter', by Miriam Huffman Rockness (second edition, [Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI, 2003)
'A Blossom in the Desert: Reflections of Faith in the Art and Writings of Lilias Trotter', compiled and edited by Miriam Huffman Rockness (Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, MI, 2007)
'A Way of Seeing. The Inward & Outeard Vision of Lilias Trotter', edited & compiled by Miriam Huffman Rockness (Oxvision Books, 2016)
'Lily. The Girl Who Could See', by Sally Oxley & Tim Ladwig with Miriam Huffman Rockness (Oxvision Books, 2015)
Poonen, Zac, Where do I go from here, God?, Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers 1974