Scrapbook 1915

Scrapbook includes: Roll Call Algiers Mission Band – relatives involved in the war; New Year Rally Programme and Mr Smeeton's Bible; Reading Plan; Prayer Requests, January 1915; Postcards from Malta and Cairo; Nile Mission Press Meeting 4 Feb 1915; Specimens of Religious Art and illustrations for th...

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Order number: AWM/AMB, Box 21b
Date(s) of creation: Jan-Dec 1915
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: AWM/AMB, Box 21b
Summary: Scrapbook includes: Roll Call Algiers Mission Band – relatives involved in the war; New Year Rally Programme and Mr Smeeton's Bible; Reading Plan; Prayer Requests, January 1915; Postcards from Malta and Cairo; Nile Mission Press Meeting 4 Feb 1915; Specimens of Religious Art and illustrations for the Tracts for boys; Who will go? [Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth, Feb 26th] and soldiers' cards; Page Designs (incl tract for Mystics by Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth); Egypt literature business – list of tracts in preparation and some samples in Arabic; Text of the Queen and her Mirror [Lilias Trotter]; Text of Heavy Burdens, by Miss Harrison; Text of the Sacrifice of Said [Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth]; Text of The Brave Deed of Mounira [Lilias Trotter]; Memo from Lilias Trotter concerning us of tracts, from Cairo – she is described as Superintendent of the Women's Dept; List of Mission Agencies; Memoranda from NMP – Dept of Women and Children Cards and drawing [Lilias Trotter] from Cairo; Children's art and a little painted picture tract; Lull Anniversary Meeting at Dar Naama, by kind invitation of Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth; Story of 1914 - 'While there is time'; Copy of the Woman's Algerian Mission Band Newsletter 11, May 1915; Hymns and photos; Notes for those about to travel; War List 1915 of Algiers Mission Band relatives; Requests for Prayer, July 1915; August Prayer Letter [Lilias Trotter]; Field Committee Agenda Oct 9, 1915; Station Reports – Blanche Grace Lumley Haworth; Literature sub-committee agenda, Dec 28, 1915; Loose photos and artwork; Prayer Requests fr December 1915; Mr Smeeton tract: 'Are you one?'; Page of music – transliterated; Still I wait – Gordon of Khartoum's statue and lines; Christmas Greetings from Sir Matthew and Lady Dodsworth; The Evening bringeth all things home' written by Lilias Trotter on a postcard; Photo of a Kabyle woman
Extent: 1 vol
Access status: Open
Format: Archive