Scrapbook 1911-1912

Scrapbook includes: Photo of the Band at the inauguration of 'El Couffa' at the October 1911 Rally, with the programme for the meeting and Lilias' notes for talks on the apostolic spirit in pioneer work; Photos of Shushan, the Palace, opened October 28, 1911; November requests for prayer in Lilias T...

Full description

Order number: AWM/AMB, Box 21a
Date(s) of creation: Oct 1911-Oct 1912
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: AWM/AMB, Box 21a
Summary: Scrapbook includes: Photo of the Band at the inauguration of 'El Couffa' at the October 1911 Rally, with the programme for the meeting and Lilias' notes for talks on the apostolic spirit in pioneer work; Photos of Shushan, the Palace, opened October 28, 1911; November requests for prayer in Lilias Trotter's handwriting; All Saints Day 1911 – a poem by P.H. [Pleasant Hurst?]; Some of the boys' artwork; December requests for prayer (Lilias Trotter); Shushan the Palace – a poem in ?Pleasant Hurst's handwriting; Photos of work-time and after; December Prayer and Praise (Lilias Trotter); The Woes of an Out-Post Sugar Basin – copy of article in El Couffa; Blida photos; Requests for Prayer and Praise -Feb 1912 (Lilias Trotter); Instructions for Girgaff; March Prayer and Praise (Lilias Trotter) and Bible study question on Hebrews etc March 31st 1912; Photos of Tebessa where Alma Krebs went for language study, and a photo of Albina Cox [NAM]; April requests for Prayer [Lilias Trotter]; Photos of Relizane, entitled 'FHF [Helen Freeman] – her parish', incl photo of FHF and co-workers; Easter Arrangements (Lilias Trotter handwriting); Miliana – the Doings and Goings photos, incl workers [Mabel Grautoff?]; May Praise and Prayer [Lilias Trotter]; Invitation from Lilias Trotter and BGLH to a conference in May at which Mr HamLilias Trotteron will speak on the Personality of the Holy Spirit in the church and in individual believers; A List of conference hymns; 'Goodbye to the Daybreakers' incl booklet, 'The House of Dawn' [Lilias Trotter] and a photo with Lilias Trotter on ship; Children pages; Prayer Requests for June [Lilias Trotter]; Prayer letter dated June 12, 1912 from 2, rue du Croissant: Dear Friends in the Prayer Fight [Lilias Trotter]; More Blida photos of children at the two houses, Dar er Rih and Dar el Ain; Prayer Requests for July; Printed text of tract 'Le Meilleur Casque du Monde' by MG and MW [Mabel Grautoff and May Watling]; Prayer letter dated July 23rd [Lilias Trotter]; Printed Tract and illustrations: 'L'Histoire de Mansour el Karim et de Naker El Khir- Paul Villon; Omar's first hymn; Prayer letter dated August 22 1912 [Lilias Trotter]; Postcards from the Alps and Mallorca; Prayer letter, dated 29 Sept 1912 from rue du Croissant [Lilias Trotter]
Extent: 1 vol
Access status: Open
Format: Archive           