Firman issued in the name of Sultan Mehmed IV from the Ottoman camp at Bursa in the ten day period 11th - 10th Dhu'l-Qa'da 1069 (31 July - 9 August 1659) and addressed to the qadi of Izmir (Smyrna)

Concerns a claim for money by the Jew Manul against three Jews of Smyrna. The qadi is ordered to see that they present themselves at a camp so that the case may be heard in the Divan before the Grand Vizier and the Kazaskers and no injustice be done.

Order number: MS 380367
Main author: Mehmed IV (1642-1693); Sultan of the Turks
Order: MS 380367
Date(s) of creation: 31 Jul - 9 Aug 1659
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
