Vestiges of Assyria, sheet 2d shewing the positions and plans of the ancient cities of Nimrud and Selamiyah from the trigonometrical survey made by order of the Governement of India published [London] by J Walker

Vestiges of Assyria, sheet 2d shewing the positions and plans of the ancient cities of Nimrud and Selamiyeh, the former identical with the Aaqibba of Xenophon perhaps the Calab of Genesis and the [cuneiform inscriptions] of the cuneiform inscriptions, from the trigonometrical survey made in the spri...

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Order number: MAP D 13:30 Nimrud (1)
Main author: Jones; James Felix (1813-1878)
Order: MAP D 13:30 Nimrud (1)
Date(s) of creation: [1855]
Level: Item
Format: Archive           

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