Iksīr al-tawārīkh

اكسير الواريخ

In codex: MS 35513

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Iʻtiz̤ād al-Salṭanah, ʻAlī Qulī Mirzā, -1880 or 1881
اعتضاد السلطنه، علي قلي مرزا
Language: Persian
Note: An account of the campaign against Herat in the year 1837 of Muhammad Shah Qajar, written as an eye-witness. The present manuscript is contemporary with the author, since the fly-leaf carries the following note "Journal de la campagne de Herat sous Mohamed Chah, tenu par S.A.R. le Prince Ali Ghouli Mirza, temoin oculaire (maintenant Etezad Essaltanet (1870)". A note in Persian states that this manuscript contains only a part of the whole work.
Incipit: اين كتاب مستطاب الثير التواريخ تفصيل هرات است...گفتار در وقایع سال یکهزار ودویست و پنجاه سه سال سیم جلوس خسرو میمنت
