Dāstān-i Amīr Ḥamzah

داستان امیر حمزه

In codex: MS 13017

Format: Manuscript           
Level: Work
Main author: Anonymous
Language: Pushto
Note: A Pashto translation in verse of a Persian version of the story of the exploits of the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad
Incipit: په نامه چه د رحیم کریم نامزد دي هغه خداي دي چه ازل دي هم ابد دي
Colophon: تمت تمام شد كتاب امير حمزه صاحب از دست خط...ملا غلام محمد
Online access: https://digital.soas.ac.uk/LOAC000067/00001/128x
