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Loose typescript notes on North Rhodesia native laws and customs, including Bemba marriage.
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PP MS 74/25/95
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PP MS 74, Restatement of African Law Project, Box 27c
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Records of the SOAS Restatement of African Law Project
Material on Ghana
Papers on legal aspects of law and correspondence.
Papers on the law of succession and slavery.
Essay on the Dagomba People, AA Blair.
Minutes of the Joint Provincial Council, Southern Ghana.
Pamphlets on marriage, divorce, and succession in Ghana, (in various languages).
Research papers on cocoa farmers in Ghana (various regions).
Material on Kenya I
Thesis: Social organisation of the Boran of North Kenya, PTW Baxter.
Papers on Kipsigis African District Council.
Notes on Masai, by LSB Leakey.
Papers of the RALP - survey of literature.
Church of Scotland: Memorandum prepared by the Kikuyu
Mission Council on female circumcision.
Material on Tanganyika I
Digest of Appeals from Local Courts.
Copy of bill to make better provision for Local Courts and other papers.
Tanganyika Independence Act.
Proposals of the Tanganyika Government for a Republic.
List of Tanganyika tribes
File: incoming inventory forms and materials on Tanganyika laws.
File: list of Local Court materials in Government Offices.
Materials on customary courts.
Material on Nigeria
Materials on Customary and High Courts, Nigeria.
Acts of Parliament
Chart of North Nigerian High Court organisation
File: Nylander, North Nigeria, marriage and divorce
Biromi [File by Arthur Nylander with research on marriage and divorce laws of the Biromi tribe of N...
File: Report by A Nylander on marriage and divorce laws of the Kanuri tribe.
Material on Sierra Leone
File: Notes on native laws on marriage and divorce in Limba.
File: Notes on native laws on marriage and divorce in Konkomba.
File: Notes on native laws on marriage and divorce in Kono
File: Notes on native law of succession in Kono.
File: Notes on Mende law of persons.
File: Draft restatement on Mende customary law and succession.
File: Draft restatement of Susu customary law of marriage.
File: Sierra Leone drafts, typescript on various laws.
File: Sierra Leone drafts, mss. III.
Material on Tanzania: 'Tanzania Land Tenure I'
Review of land tenure policy.
Typescript notes on legal cases.
File: A report on the present state of the Chagga land tenure practice, TF Figgis.
Typescript notes on land tenure.
Typescript: Luguru lands and lineages, HA Fosbrooke.
Pamphlet: A memorandum on native land tenure, RC Northcote.
Book: Report on social and economic conditions in the
Tanganyika Province, EC Baker.
Pamphlet: The Meru land problem.
Book: Report of the Arusha-Moshi Lands Communion.
Material on various African countries
Typescript and manuscript notes on 'The general principles of criminalresponsibility' in Nigeria, Ma...
Manuscript notes and press cuttings.
Papers of CK Meek on native, colonial, and judicial law.
Typescript notes on law systems: Muhammadan, Anglo-saxon etc.
Notes on liability in Sierra Leone.
Material on Tanganyika II
Inventories of customary law materials (collected as part of the RALP project).
Typescript and manuscript notes on marriage and divorce laws in various areas
Copies of legal cases.
Notes on the Wapare tribe, W Fryer.
Notes on clans and lineages in the Usambaras (Lushoto) tribe
Material on Customary Law
File: 'Customary law of marriage and succession among the Kom of Cameroon', John Anthony Howard.
Carbon paper typescript on 'The code of customary law of Acchele Guzai', and notes.
Correspondence re. Ethiopian law.
File: Draft restatement of Mende customary law of succession, Sierra Leone?.
File: Draft restatement of Susu law of Marriage, Sierra Leone
Material on Nigeria and Ghana
Manuscript and typescript notes on formation of marriage.
Typescript notes on Nupe native marriage law and custom.
General notes on marriage laws of various tribes in Nigeria, with correspondence.
Notes on law of persons of various tribes in Nigeria.
Files containing information on marriage and divorce in Nigeria
Typescript: 'John Mensah Sarbah, 1864-1910, His life and works', by Hon. Mr Justice Azu Crabbe, Just...
File: papers on the Gold Coast (Ghana).
Correspondence related to the Sarbah Study Group.
File: notices for London seminars etc. (Include discussion of the Congo).
Material on Kenya II
File: typescript notes on legal cases in Kenyan Native Courts,inventories of customary law materials...
File: 'Kenya-North Nyanza District - Kakanega', includes minutes of Western Local Law Committee, Apr...
File: 'Kenya-North Nyanza District - Kakanega', includes copy of byelaws 1956; Local Native Councils...
Material on Tanganyika II
Files of information on local customs (land tenure and marriage etc.)
Biharamula District
Geita District
Ngara District
Bukoba District
Mwanza District.
Material on Tanganyika, Kenya, and Uganda
File: Tanganyika, Mkerewe and Musoma Districts, inventories of customary law materials and legal cas...
File: Tanganyika, North Mara District - Tarime, legal cases.
Typescript of 'The age system of the Masai', B. Bernardi.
File: Kenya, Machokos and Ngong, inventories of customary law materials, byelaws of Machokos African...
Notes on Taveta customary law.
Notes on Pokomo customary law.
Inventories of customary law materials for various parts of Kenya
Typescript of 'Bantu of North Kavirondo' [Kenya], vol II, part v: Cattle Law, Dr Gunter Wagner.
File: notes on various legal cases, with fines due, in Acholi District (Uganda ?).
File: notes on land tenure in Kamasia, Baringo.
Material on Tanganyika III
Papers on customary law, legal cases, inventories of materials etc. of various Tanganyika districts
Digest of Appeals - Mbulu District
History of Uluguru, Rev. Father CJ Mzuanda
Notes on Uluguru, JS Harris.
A Digest of Uluguru Customary Law, John Lewis-Barned.
Notes on land tenure/ marriage etc. in:
Nguru, Ulanga, Rufiju, Barabaig tribe
Mbulu District
Moshi District.
Material on Tanganyika IV
The wealth of a nation: opinions on the land', Julius K Nyerere.
Sociological study of Landhage in the Highland Areas of Northern Tanganyika.
Land law in Tanganyika, AN Allott, Advanced Seminar in African Law
Interim report on land and population in the Arusha
Chiefdom, PH Gulliver.
Notes on African land tenure in: Bodoma District - Gogo tribe, Bagamoyo District - Kwere tribe, Gogo...
Notes on marriage and divorce, Bagamoyo.
Some aspects of political organisation and land tenure among the Iraqw, EH Winter.
Landlord and Tenant Rules: Buhoba District (in an African language with translation).
Map of part of Tanganyika showing different tribes.
5 circular letters from Robert F Gray describing Arusha.
A review of the first two years of land reform in Bugufi Chiefdom.
Material on Sierra Leone and Tanganyika.
Files on Sierra Leone and Tanganyika
File: notes on legal cases in Sierra Leone.
File: notes on legal cases in certain regions of Sierra Leone
File: notes on legal cases - Kakua.
File: notes on legal cases - Jaiama, Bongor, Acorobon, Bo District.
File: notes on legal cases - Gbangbama District.
Transcripts of recordings
'Zinza law and custom', H Cory (Tanganyika).
'Kuria law and custom', H Cory and WH Whiteley, (Tanganyika).
'Report on Bugufi land tenure', H Cory (Tanganyika).
'Sambaa laws and customs', H Cory (Tanganyika).
'Nyamwesi law and custom', H Cory (in African language).
Material on Nigeria and Cameroon.
File: Notes on Igbirra Division land tenure.
Notes on Bassa Koro native marriage, law and custom.
Manuscript notes on legal problems in North Nigeria, and papers concerning various cases.
Manuscript notes on Nigerian Native Courts.
Correspondence with Nigerian Government Officials.
Copies of Nigerian House of Assembly and House of Chiefs Debates, and law reports.
File: papers on Igbirra declaration of marriage law.
File: papers on Igala declaration of marriage and divorce law.
Chapters 9-16 of JA Howard's thesis on the Kom of the Cameroon.
Material on Uganda and Ghana
Bibliography of land tenure, Ministry of Land Tenure, Uganda Protectorate.
File: 'Recent development in customary Kisoga land tenure', JT Fleming (Uganda).
(2 copies, one with manuscript amendments).
File: 'Restatement of African Law: Northern Ghana: i. Marriage and Divorce, ii. Succession', A Nylan...
The Public Lands Ordinance 1962, Uganda Protectorate.
File: contains Chapters 12-16 of a work on customary law.
File: notes on draft restatement of Mende laws of marriage and divorce, (no country).
Material on Ghana II ('Original Ghana Material')
File: 'Togoland: Provisional Questionnaire answers', information on Gold Coast.
2 files containing cases of appeal from Native Courts, Ghana.
Cases from Municipal Court of Cape Coast.
Cases from Native and Local Courts.
Typescript notes on marriage byelaws in Enyan Abasa State.
History of legislation in connection with native jurisdiction in the Gold Coast and suggested amendm...
Material on Malwai
Typescript notes on 'The Tumbuka of Rumpi District'
Material on Sierra Leone and Kenya.
File: notes on Sierra Leone legal cases.
File: notes on Sierra Leone legal cases - Makeni.
File: Inventories of Customary Law materials for Kiambu
District, Kenya, and typescript notes on law in area.
File: Inventories of Customary law materials for Nyeri and Fort Hall Districts, Kenya, typescript on...
File: Inventories of Customary law materials for Embu and Meru Districts, Kenya, papers on land cons...
Material on Ghana and Northern Rhodesia
Typescript notes on the Dagomba of Northern Ghana, on customary law.
Typescript notes on the Kasena.
Draft restatement of the Konkomba customary law of marriage and divorce, Arthur Nylander.
Typescript notes on various tribes in Ghana: Kusasi, Mamprusi, Nankani, Tallensi, Namnan, Gonja.
Typescript of legal cases before Native Courts, includes press cuttings of legal cases, corresponden...
'Meek Papers 7'
Correspondence, manuscript and typescript notes, government reports etc. including: Report of Commit...
Notes on Sudan land law.
File: 'Customary law advisory panels', copy correspondence between the Secretary of State and Sierra...
Essay by DA Shenku on Regulations governing control of cattle grazing rights, Bombali region.
Essays on marriage and divorce in Kono District, Yoni area.
Material on Sierra Leone
Typescript of various legal cases, Bagbo Chiefdom and others.
Reports of the Commissioners of Enquiry into the conduct of certain chiefs and the Government statem...
Minutes of the first meeting of the South Western Province Customary Law Advisory Panel held at Bo.
Minutes of Restatement of African Law Project meetings and material on various countries
File: Tiv laws of persons and family structure.
Typescript: Chapters 4-6 of 'Nigeria (Northern)I, Keay, a Restatement of African Law Project Publica...
File: Restatements on marriage etc.
File: Notes on the Chagga of Tanganyika, FJ Woodley.
File: Notes on the Arusha District, Tanganyika, FJ Woodley.
File: Inventories of customary law materials, Uganda.
File: Minutes of the fourth meeting of West Nile District Council, Uganda.
Loose correspondence arranging activities.
File: land tenure in Northern Rhodesia, papers.
Free consent in African Marriage, Dr Lucy Mair, Anti-Slavery Society.
Photocopies of articles on African law.
Monthly Bulletin of judgements and orders of the High Court of Uganda. (5 vols)
Research project on Diola land law, Francis G Synder.
Muslim and non-muslim in Africa: conflict of laws, JND Anderson.
Rights of the Crown in Northern Nigeria, CM McDowell.
Some preliminary notes on customary law marriage in Zambia, Dr CMN White.
The land of Kenenda-background to the case...Karoland, North Sumatra, G van der Steenhoven.
Statutes of General Application in East Africa, John Erickson.
File: transcript of the Kule law panel, Paul Davitt.
The development of undergraduate studies in the Department of Law at the School of Oriental and Afri...
Notes, press cuttings, Acts of Parliament on Nigerian legal system.
Loose correspondence.
Marriage and problems of internal conflict in Malawi, David Gray.
Various case reports.
Selected cases from the Area Courts of the Province of Katsina, vol III, North Nigeria.
Minutes of meetings of the Study Group of Codification of Family Law.
File: Nyasaland - Bulambia, Misuku, marriage, JO Ibik.
File: Nyasaland - Achewa, Angoni, marriage, JO Ibik.
Volume: The Council of Elders in the Igbo traditional society: a pattern for pastoral council in Afr...
Typescript: 'Mother Right in East Africa', 4 essays on status of women in Tanganyika, UR Ehrenfels.
Volume: Essai sur le droit de propriéte foncière à Madagascar: droit cotumier et droit moderne, R...
Memoranda on Bibliography of African Law.
Methods and forms of investigating and recording of Native Customary Law in the Netherlands East Ind...
Minutes of the Colloquium on African law.
Papers re. drafting a Code of Civil Wrongs, Meetings.
Various photocopied articles on African law including:
AN Allott and E Cotran, A background statement on restatement of laws in Africa
Marriage laws in a colonial setting: East Africa.
Minutes of meetings of Restatement of African Law Project.
File: Inventories of customary law materials, Zanzibar, and reports of legal cases.
Minutes of meetings of Restatement of African Law Project Editorial Committee.
Minutes of meetings of Restatement of African Law Project African Law Section of SOAS.
File: Papers of Conference on Law and Social Change in East Africa, held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Report on cooperation and certain aspects of the economic condition of agriculture in Zanzibar, CF S...
History and customs of the Wagogo of Tanganyika, Mathias E Mnyampala, (in Swahili).
Law reports: Court of Review, Kenya, vols 1-8.
2 pamphlets on land in Zanzibar.
Basutoland: native laws of Lerotholi, as amended by the National Council of 1922.
The Church of Basutoland: its constitution, rules and regulations.
New native court regulations, Basutoland.
The Abaluyia of Nyanza Province, Kenya, JD Otiende, (in swahili).
Geneve-Afrique: Acta Africana, vol IV, 1.
Standing orders for African Courts, Kenya.
Luo:Clans of Central Nyanza, S Malo (in luo/swahili).
Luo: Kitgi gi Timbegi, Paul Mboya, (Customs and law).
The daily life of an African Peasant Farmer in Kenya.
Land tenure Commission Report, Kenya.
An administrative and political history of the Masai Reserve, (Kenya), London.
Reports on visits to South Africa to study land tenure.
The systems of land tenure in the Kikuyu', land unit, HE Lambert, on Kenya, South Africa.
Two studies in applied anthropology in Kenya, Philip Mayer.
Nandi: work and culture', on Kenya.
File: Notes and instructions for guidance of African courts,
File: Kenya Law Panels-discussion of laws of succession.
Journal of African Administration', vol IX (2).
Minutes of the Restatement of African Law Project Meetings.
File: Minutes of the Restatement of African Law Project
Meetings and Editorial Committee. Papers re. Study Group and Conference on 'Unification and Codifica...
Volume: Buganda native laws and laws administered by the Buganda Courts: additions and amendments 19...
File: An administrative survey of the Ngoni and Ndendeuli of Songea District, Tanganyika, PH Gullive...
Restatement of Kikuyu laws of wrong, Kenya, RL Abel.
Typescript on Kenya tribes laws of wrong: Kipsigis, Nandi, Gusii, Luo, Kamba, Masai.
Gambia bibliography.
Internal conflict of laws in East Africa, GF Akilagpa Sawyerr.
Typescript: John Mensah Sarbah 1864, Hon Mr Justice Azu Crabbe.
Draft code of Family Law, SOAS, African Law Section.
Typescript: Domicile in Nigerian Law: a functional analysis, IO Agbede.
File: Law Reports, cases in Uganda.
African congress on the rule of law: notes on Uganda and on judicial system, RW Cannon.
Native Courts Ordinance: regulations.
'A short note on the Customary laws of the Aweil District
Dinkas', JM Stubbs, Sudan.
Notes on customary law/land tenure in Sudan.
Minutes of Restatement of African Law Project Meetings,
African Law Section Meetings (duplicates?).
Report on African legal studies in the UK.
Notes on Tanganyika land tenure.
Copies of customary court judgements.
Some modern developments in customary land law, PC Lloyd.
Notes on law in Nigeria.
Notes on law in Ghana.
Ghana Parliamentary Debates.
The Ashanti law of property, Antony N Allott
Luganda: Busoga land tenure, DW Robertson, in swahili.
Bibliographical introduction to legal history and ethnography: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, James S Read...
The Western Lacustrine Bantu, Brian K Taylor.
History of customs of the Jo Padhola, ACK Oboth-Ofumbi, Uganda, in lwo/ludana.
Various publications on legal systems/courts in various African countries, especially Uganda.
Annual Report for the year 1970 of the Uganda Law Development Centre
North Ghana, marriage and divorce, Dagombas.
9 files on marriage and divorce of tribes in Ghana: Frafra, Gonjas, Kassenas, Konkomba, Kusasis, Mam...
4 files on law of succession of tribes in Ghana: Gonjas, Kassena, Nankani, Kusasis, Tallensis, Nabda...
Correspondence with Gambia government re. courts.
Report of visit to Sierra Leone and Gambia.
Manuscript notes on Yoruba marriage.
Volume: The use of indigenous authorities in tribal administration: studies of the Meru in Kenya col...
Report of working party in the administration of native lands, Kenya.
Memorandum regarding native marriage and kindred problems.
Conference of Missionary Societies in GB and Ireland: laws governing the marriage and divorce of Nat...
Pamphlets on land question in Kenya.
Swazi customary law: law of marriage and dissolution of marriage, Neville Rubin.
File: papers on tribes in Kenya and customary law: Elgon, Nyanza District, Nandi District, Kericho D...
File: South Nyanga District, Kisii, Kenya.
File: Central Nyanga District, Kisumu, papers on Luo customs and law.
File: Kenya, law panel minutes: Elgon and North Nyanga Districts.
Notes on local courts in North Rhodesia.
Papers on customary law.
Customs of the Western Abaluyia people of the Nyanza Province Kenya, together with the Abaluyia prov...
Loose typescript notes on North Rhodesia native laws and customs, including Bemba marriage.
Suicide in Northern Rhodesia, J H Chaplin, African Studies, 20 (3).
Native tribes of North East Rhodesia: their laws and customs, ed JCC Coxhead, London, photocopy.
File: materials on law in Northern Rhodesia.
Typescript of 'Indigenous customs observed amongst the Babenba neighbouring tribes', Rev. Father L E...
Similar items
Typescript notes on Nupe native marriage law and custom.
Notes on Bassa Koro native marriage, law and custom.
Native tribes of North East Rhodesia: their laws and customs, ed JCC Coxhead, London, photocopy.
File: Notes on native laws on marriage and divorce in Limba.
File: Notes on native laws on marriage and divorce in Konkomba.