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Journal d'une campagne au service de Mehemet-Pache, incl. in [Remi] Aucher-Eloy, Relations de voyages en Orient de 1830 a 1838, Paris, 1843, vol. 1, pp. 99-132.
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PP MS 51/10/006
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PP MS 51, Guest, Box 12
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Papers of John Spencer-Churchill Guest
Government Archives - Great Britain
Public Record Office - Foreign Office Records
Brant [Consul, Erzurum] memorandum, regarding Kurds and Reshid Pasha operations. (FO 195/112, fols. ...
Brant separate despatch to Embassy regarding Hafiz Pasha with extracts from Brant Journal (FO 195/11...
Lord Ponsonby (Ambassador) despatch No. 282 to Foreign Office recommending Rassam to be Vice Consul...
Brant despatch no 35 to Embassy regarding Mrs Ainsworth death and Ince Bairaktar levies. (FO 195/175...
Rassam (Vice Consul, Mosul) unnumbered despatch to Embassy regarding unrest in Mosul. (FO 195/228.)
Rassam despatch no. 13 to Taylor (Consul, Baghdad) regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar. (FO...
Stevens (Consul, Diyarbakir) report regarding visit to Bedr Khan Beg. (FO 78/2698.)
Stevens letter to Embassy regarding second visit to Bedr Khan Beg. (FO 78/2699.)
Rassam despatch no. 18 to Embassy regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar. (FO 195/228.)
Rassam despatch no. 43 to Embassy regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar. (FO 195/228.)
Rassam despatch no. 20 to Rawlinson (Consul, Baghdad) regarding Tayyar expedition to Sinjar. (FO 195...
Rassam despatch no. 23 to Embassy regarding Bedr Khan Beg (sheet 2), enclosing Bedr Khan Beg letter ...
Layard memorandum on Kurdistan. (FO 78/2699.)
Essad Pasha (Governor of Kurdistan) despatch to Sublime Porte regarding Yezedis and others enslaved ...
Mustafa Reshid Pasha (Grand Vizier) letter to Governors of Kurdistan and Diyarbakir regarding Yezidi...
Rassam despatch no. 36 to Embassy regarding visit to Sheikh Adi (FO 195/301)
Rassam despatch no. 1 to Embassy reporting arrival of Virieral letter regarding Yezidis. (FO 195/301...
Rassam despatch no. 4 regarding Yezidi gratitude to Ambassador. (FO 195/301.)
Rassam despatch no. 21 to Embassy regarding visit to Sheikh Adi. (FO 195/301.)
Rassam despatch no. 23 to Embassy enclosing Yezidi chiefs' letter to Ambassador and copy of their le...
Rassam despatch no. 25 to Embassy regarding Arab attack on Yezidi district (sheet 1). (FO 195/301.)
Rassam despatch no. 3 to Embassy regarding present state of Yezidis in pashalik of Diyarbekr. (FO 19...
Rassam despatch no. 15 to Embassy regarding difficulty of conscripting Yezidis. (FO 195/301.)
Rassam despatch no. 17 to Embassy regarding release of Hussein Beg (FO 195/301)
Rassam despatch no. 4 to Embassy regarding deposition of Hussein Beg. (FO 195/394, fols. 44r-47v.)
Rassam despatch no. 5 to Embassy regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar. (FO 195/394, fols. 60...
Rassam despatch no. 6 to Embassy regarding Yezdanshir Beg. (FO 195/394, fols. 205r-206r.)
Rassam despatch no. 8 to Embassy regarding Hussein Beg capture of Zakho. (FO 195/394, fols. 209r & 2...
Rassam despatch no. 9 to Embassy regarding Yezdanshir Beg surrender. (FO 195/394, fols. 205r-206r.)
Holmes (Consul, Diyarbakir) despatch no. 22 to Foreign Office regarding Yezdanshir Beg. (FO 195/459....
Rassam despatch no. 25 to Embassy regarding Rassam crop loans to villagers. (FO 195/394, fols. 263r-...
Holmes despatch no. 10 to Embassy regarding Yezidi conscription. (FO 195/459.)
Maltas (Acting Consul, Diyarbakir) despatch no. 30 to Embassy regarding Yezidi conscription. (FO 195...
Rassam despatch no. 17 to Embassy regarding Jeremiah Shamir. (FO 195/603, fols. 468r-469v.)
Text of crop loan contract between Rassam and villagers in Jema and Kharuk. (FO 195/603, fols. 495r-...
Rassam despatch no. 7 to Embassy regarding unrest in Sinjar. (FO 195/603, fols. 513r & 513v.)
Rassam despatch no. 21 to Embassy regarding unrest in Sinjar. (FO 195/603, fols. 553r-554r.)
Rassam despatch no. 7 to Embassy regarding Turkish plans to subdue Sinjar. (FO 195/603, fols. 578r-5...
Rassam despatch no. 21 to Embassy regarding Hussein Beg Taxes on Yezidis. (FO 195/603, fols. 612r-61...
Mar Shimun [Reuben] letter, 26 April 1868 to Grand Duke Michael, Governor General of the Caucasus; t...
Taylor letter to Mar Shimun regarding Jeremiah Shamir. (FO 195/889, fols. 628r-629r)
Rassam despatch No. 5, to Embassy regarding punitive expedition to Sinjar. (FO 195/949)
Rassam despatch No. 6, to Embassy regarding results of punitive expedition to Sinjar. (FO 195/949)
Rassam despatch No. 10, to Embassy regarding Mar Shimun and Jeremiah Shamir. (FO 195/949 fols. 478r-...
Rassam report to Foreign Office regarding Euphrates Valley route to India. (FO 195/949)
Herbert [Consul General, Baghdad] despatch no. 19 to Embassy regarding Rassam death. (FO 195/996)
Herbert despatch no. 21 to Embassy regarding appointment of new vice consul, Mosul. (FO 195/996)
Herbert despatch no. 7, regarding Elias Saigh, not fitted for vice consular position. (FO 195/996)
Andrus letter, 3 September 1892, to Hormuzd Rassam enclosing copy of Andrus memorandum, Jun 1892 ent...
Hormuzd Rassam letter, 26 Sep 1892, to Sir Philip Currie [Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Foreign Off...
Currie letter to Hormuzd Rassam letter regarding Yezidi persecutions. (FO 78/4435)
Capt. F. R. Maunsell report to Political Resident, Turkish Arabia, and Consul General, Baghdad regar...
Sir Francis Ford Clare [Ambassador] despatch no. 139, 14 Apr 1893 to Foreign Office regarding Yezidi...
Devey [Vice-Consul, Van] despatch no. 7, to Graves [Consul, Kurdistan] regarding Yezidi persecutions...
Public Record Office - Colonial Office
Self Determination in Iraq: Copies and translations of Declarations and other documents relating to ...
Lieut.-Col. L. S. Nalder, Political Officer, Mosul, Mosel Division Report for 1919. (CO 696/2).
Nalder Administration Report of the Mosul Division for the year 1920. (CO 696/3).
Government Archives - France
Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Archives Diplomatiques, Correspondance Politique des Consuls, Tur...
Siouffi despatch no. 38 to Ministry: 'Envoi d'une conversation faite avec le grand chef des Yezidis,...
Siouffi despatch no. 81 to Ministry: 'Transmission d'un rapport sur l'Emir de la secte des Yezidis' ...
Siouffi despatch no. 97 to Ministry: 'Demande d'autorisation de faire les depenses necessaires a l'o...
Siouffi despatch no. 98 to Ministry: 'Retour a Mossoul du fonctionnarie envoye contre la tribu de ch...
Draft of Ministry despatch no. 1, to Siouffi regarding funds for proposed visit to Chaldeans and Yez...
Siouffi despatch no. 106 to Ministry: 'Creation d'un Consulat russe a Mossoul' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 2, ...
Siouffi despatch no. 131 to Ministry: 'Envoi d'un recueil de notes sur le pays de Sindjar' [CPC, Mos...
Siouffi despatch no. 7 to Ministry: 'Envoi de la 4e partie de mon voyage de Damas a Mossoul, par le ...
Siouffi despatch no. 6 to Ministry: 'Les Yezidis et la conscription' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols, 41r-...
Siouffi despatch no. 7 to Ministry: 'Arrivee d'un fonctionnaire charge des reformes' [CPC, Mosul, vo...
Siouffi despatch no. 12 to Ministry: 'Concernant la secte des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols, 98...
Siouffi despatch no. 13 to Ministry: 'Concernant la secte des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols, 10...
Siouffi despatch no. 14 to Ministry: 'Concernant la question des Yezidis' enclosing copy of Embassy ...
Siouffi despatch no. 15 to Ministry: 'Concernant la question des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols,...
Siouffi despatch no. 16 to Ministry: 'Concernant la question des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols,...
Siouffi despatch no. 17 to Ministry: 'Concernant la question des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols,...
Siouffi despatch no. 20 to Ministry: 'Omar Pacha et la question des Yezidis' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fo...
Siouffi despatch no. 21 to Ministry: 'Destitution d'Omar Pacha' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols, 161r-164r...
Siouffi despatch no. 23 to Ministry: 'Suie de la destitution d'Omar Pacha' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols...
Siouffi despatch no. 3 to Ministry: 'Depart de la commission d'enquete, accompagnee d'Omar Pacha' [C...
Siouffi despatch no. 5 to Ministry: 'Troubles dans le pays de Sinjar' [CPC, Mosul, vol. 4, fols, 181...
Alric despatch no. 3 to Ministry: 'Cessation des hostilites contre les Yezidis du Sinjar' [CPC, Mosu...
Alric despatch no. 4 to Ministry: 'Projets de transformation du canton Sinjar en arrondissement et d...
Alric despatch no. 3 to Ministry: 'Le corps d'occupation duSinjar est encore 5 bataillons' [CPC, Mos...
Government Archives - Ottoman Empire
English translations by Dr Ertugrul Zekai Okte and staff.
Sultan [Ahmed III] orders, to Hassan Pasha, Governor of Diyarbakir regarding Yezidi raiders' [Basbak...
Sultan orders, to Beylerbey of Shehrizor and Ali dame lehuma, Mutasarrif of Gedik regarding Yezidi r...
Palace instructions to Yusuf Pasha, Governor of Mosul regarding Kurdish attacks on Yezidis' [Basbaka...
Sultan [Selim III] orders, to Suleiman Pasha, Governor of Baghdad, Basra and Shehrizor regarding Sin...
Daud Pasha, Governor of Baghdad despatch to Sublime Porte regarding punitive expedition against Sinj...
Daud Pasha despatch to Porte regarding Sinjar brigands' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 25178].
Ala ed-Din Pasha, Governor of Diyarbakir, summary of report regarding unrest in Sivas area' [Hatti H...
Daud Pasha to Porte enclosing Selim Pasha, mutasarrif of Mush report, 15 L. 1238/1823 to Serasker Ra...
Mir Miran Mehmed Emin, mutasarrif of Mush, despatch to Palace regarding Kurdish tribes around Mush' ...
Mehmet Emin, [Commandant, Mardin], despatch regarding conscription for new army' [Hatti Humayun, doc...
Reshid Pasha, Governor of Sivas despatch to [Kapi Kethudasi] regarding Yezidi prisoners' [Hatti Huma...
Report to Ibrahim Ethem, Viranshehir official regarding death of Yezidi prisoner' [Hatti Humayun, do...
Report to Ibrahim, Hiafa official regarding death of Yezidi prisoner' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 34065-...
Reshid Pasha despatch to Porte regarding suppression of Kurdish brigands' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 34...
Emin Aga Diyarbakir tax collector report regarding unrest after Reshid Pasha's death' [Hatti Humayun...
Said Pasha [commandant, Jezira b. Omar] report regarding affairs in Diyarbakir' [Hatti Humayun, doc ...
Memorandum regarding Sinjar Yezidi raids on Ottoman army convoys, enclosing reports from [Mehmet Emi...
Hafiz Pasha, Governor of Sivas despatch to Porte regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar' [Hatt...
Memorandum regarding Kurds in Diyarbakir and Mush regions' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22355].
Hafiz Pasha despatch to Civil Service Ministry regarding military plans' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 254...
Hafiz Pasha despatch to Civil Service Ministry regarding unrest in Mosul region' [Hatti Humayun, doc...
Memorandum regarding allocation of Tel Afar booty, enclosing Hafiz Pasha, Governor of Sivas despatch...
Memorandum regarding awards for Hafiz Pasha and troops' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22303].
Memorandum regarding payment of tax collections to Hafiz Pasha' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22340].
Hafiz Pasha despatch to Sultan regarding troop moves after Sinjar victory' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 2...
Hafiz Pasha report regarding suppression of Yezidis in Diyarbakir region' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22...
Mehmet Pasha commandant, Diyarbakir report regarding submission of Yezidi chief' [Hatti Humayun, doc...
Hafiz Pasha report regarding need to punish Sinjar Yezidis' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22350-G].
Hafiz Pasha report regarding disorders caused by Tai tribe' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22340-E].
Memorandum regarding treatment of Sinjar Yezidis' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22350].
Hafiz Pasha report regarding Sinjar Yezidis' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22350-D].
Memorandum regarding additional fine on Sinjar Yezidis' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 27867].
Memorandum regarding disorders in Mosul region' [Hatti Humayun, doc no. 22318].
[Kumandan Ali, commandant, Mosul] report regarding disorders in Amadia and Akra' [Hatti Humayun, doc...
[Ali Riza Pasha, governor of Baghdad] report regarding situation in Mosul region' [Hatti Humayun, do...
[Mohammed Pasha Ince Bairaktar, governor of Mosul] report regarding disturbances in Mosul' [Hatti...
Mehmet el Seyit [governor of Mosul] despatch to Sultan regarding punitive expedition against Sinjar'...
Sublime Porte secret orders to governors of Erzurum and Kurdistan regarding Yezidis receiving funds ...
'Minister of Internal Affairs memorandum regarding stipend for Yezidi Mir' [Babiali document]
'Prime Minister/Grand Vizier letter to Ministry of Finance regarding recognition of Yezidi religi...
'Talat Pasha, Minister of Finance memorandum no. 31, to Prime Minister enclosing Ministry of Finance...
Cabinet memorandum to Parliament regarding Yezidi status. [Babiali doc no. 318922]
Parliament records regarding Yezidi status legislation. [Babiali doc no. 318922/1].
Cabinet order regarding Yezidi status legislation. [Babiali doc no. 318922/5].
Government Archives - Russia
Akty sobranniye kavkazshoyu arkheograficheskoyu kommissiyeyu, 12 Vols., Tiflis, 1866-1904.
Count Paskievitch report to Czar [Vol 7, Arkhiv glavnovo upravleniya Namestnika Kavkazskovo, item 76...
Minute regarding application by Syrian-Nestorian Church [Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavnonachals...
Gen. Muraviev despatch no. 17, 14 Mar 1856, to Prince Dolgoruki[Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavno...
Gen. Muraviev despatch no. 54, 4 Mar 1855, to Prince Dolgoruki[Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavnon...
Gen. Muraviev despatch no. 134, 1 May 1855, to Prince Dolgoruki [Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavn...
Gen. Muraviev letter no. 22, to Prince Dolgoruki [Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavnonachalstvuyus...
Gen. Muraviev despatch no. 1545, to Prince Dolgoruki [Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyariyi Glavnonachalstv...
Col. Loris-Melikov, guidelines for the administration of Kurdish tribes [Vol. 11, Arkhiv kantselyari...
Akty sobranniye kavkazshoyu arkheograficheskoyu kommissiyeyu, 12 Vols., Tiflis, 1866-1904.
Petros Khazarov petition to Count Paskievitch, enclosing Mirza Aga letter, 22 May 1830 to Count Pask...
Gen. Muraviev letter no. 14, 10 Jun 1855, to Prince Dolgoruki enclosing Mar Shimun letters, 30 Mar 1...
Government Archives - Vatican
Scritture Originali riferite nelle Congregazioni Generali
Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Aignan, OMC, 'Relation de La Mission des Capucins d'Alep dans le pays des Jez...
Oriental Capuchin Missionaries, Aleppo, letter to Propaganda [SOCG, vol. 239, 1668-70, fols. 2r-7].
Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Aignan, OMC letter to Propaganda [SOCG, vol. 429, 1671, fols. 157v-159v].
Dupont, Joseph [French Consul, Aleppo] letters 7 Feb and 4 Mar 1671 to Propaganda [SOCG, vol. 429, 1...
Bernardino Pichi [head of Franciscan mission to Aleppo], Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Aignan, OMC, and Gui...
[Jesuit mission, Aleppo], comments on various missives from Propoganda [SOCG, vol. 434, 1672, fols. ...
Jean-Francois Sevin, OMC letter to Propoganda [SOCG, vol. 438, 1673, fols. 543r-544r; summarised in ...
Acta Sacrae Congregationis (Acta)
Minutes of meeting considering Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Aignan report from Aleppo [Acta, vol. 3B, 1669...
Minutes of meeting; Cardinal Bona report on Jean-Baptiste letter to general director [Acta, vol. 39,...
Minutes of meeting; Cardinal Albiti report on Dupont letter, 7 Feb 1671 from Aleppo [Acta, vol. 41, ...
Minutes of meeting; Cardinal Bona report on letters from Jean-Baptiste and Jesuit mission [Acta, vol...
Minutes of meeting, considering Jean-Baptiste et al. letter of 1 Jun 1671 [Acta, vol. 42, 1672, fols...
Minutes of meeting, considering Sevin letter [Acta, vol. 43, 1673, fols. 51r-52v].
Manuscripts of Yezidi documents
Adi b. Musafir, Sheikh, 'Sufi writings and related material' [Berlin MS We 1743]
Adi b. Musafir, Sheikh, 'Sufi poem' [Berlin MS We 1769 fol. 106a]
Adi b. Musafir, Sheikh, 'Yezidi hymn' [Text copied by Badger in 1850 and loaned to Heinrich Ewald fo...
Adi b. Musafir, Sheikh, 'Yezidi hymn' [Text copied by Isaya Joseph from MS received from Daud es-Sa'...
Nasr, Sheikh, 'Letter of recommendation to Yezidi chieftains of the Jebel Sinjar' given to Layard [B...
Nasr, Sheikh et al. 'Letter to Sir Stratford Canning' enclosing copy of petition to the Grand Vizier...
Nasr, Sheikh et al. 'The 1872 Petition' [Text copied by Jeremiah Shamir in 1883 for Berlin Library, ...
[Anon], 'Yezidi manuscript ca. 1887' [Formerly owned by C. J. Edmonds now in Dara Attar Library, Ede...
[Anon], 'Yezidi manuscript 1889' [Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, BN Syr. MS 306, fols. 87r-121v].
[Anon], 'Yezidi manuscript 1889' [Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, BN Syr. MS 324, fols. 66v-116r].
[Anon], 'Yezidi manuscript c.1907' [Istanbul University Library, S 285]
[Anon], 'Yezidi manuscript from Beled Sinjar, 1934' fols 91-323 plus 4 unnumbered fols. [Formerly ow...
[Christiani, Willibrand, OMC] 'Abrege des Archives de notre Mission d'Alep depuis l'an 1626 jusqu'en...
Shamir, Jeremiah 'Narrative of the life of Shemmas Eremia Agent of the Protestant Community in Mosul...
Frank, Rudolf, letter, to the Philosophical Faculty of Erlangen University applying for doctorate, w...
Amine Abdal, 'Patronomiya u Kurdov Armeniyi v XIX v.', Soviet-skaya Etnografiya, pp. 150-2.
Khachatur Abovian, 'Die Kurden und Jsiden' incl. in Polnoye sobraniye sochineny, Erivan, vol. 8, pp....
Khachatur Abovian, 'Ein Blick uber den Ursprung, Volkstumlich-keit, Sprache, Sitten und Gebrauche de...
Khachatur Abovian, 'Kurdy', Kavkaz, nos. 46, 47, 49, 50, and 51 incl. in Polnoye sobraniye sochineny...
Khachatur Abovian, 'Yezifdy', Kavkaz, nos. 8 and 9 incl. in Polnoye sobraniye sochineny, Erivan, vol...
William Ainsworth, 'On the Izedis; or, Devil-Worshippers', Transactions of the Syro-Egyptian Society...
William Ainsworth, 'The Assyrian Origin of the Izedis or Yezidis - the so-called "Devil Worshippers"...
Jean Pierre Alem, 'Les eteigneurs de lampe' included in L'auberge de Mimas, Paris, pp. 86-162
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, 'al-Yazidiya', al-Machrig', vol. 2., pp. 32-7, 151-6, 309-14, 395...
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, 'La secte des Yezidis', La Terre Sainte, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 65-9...
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, 'La decouverte recente des deux livres sacres des Yezidis', Anthr...
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, 'The final word on the origin of the Yezidi religion, al-Mugtataf...
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, review of G. Furlani Testi Religiousi dei Yezidi in Loghat el-'Ar...
Anastase Marie de Saint Elie, OCD, obituary, Analecta Ordinis Carmelitarum Discalceatorum, vol. 1...
Rev A. N. Andrus, 'Concerning the Yezidees', Missionary Herald, vol. 85, pp. 385-8.
Rev A. N. Andrus, 'More about the Yezidees', Missionary Herald, vol. 88, pp. 175-6.
Rev A. N. Andrus, 'Persecution of the Yezidees', Missionary Herald, vol. 89, pp. 149.
Rev A. N. Andrus, obituary, Missionary Herald, vol. 115, pp. 107-8.
Maria Anholm, 'Missionen och osterlandets dyafvulsdyrkare', Svensk Missionstidskrift, vol. 7, 1919, ...
T. F. Aristova, 'Poyezdka k kurdam Zakavkaz'ya' Sovietskaya Etnografiya, pp. 134-45.
T. F. Aristova, 'Iz istoriyi voznikoveniya sovremennykh kurdskikh seleny v Zakavkaz'ye' Sovietskaya ...
T. F. Aristova, 'Opyt sravnitel'novo izucheniya material'noy kul'tury kurdov' Sovietskaya Etnografiy...
G. S. Asatryan and A. P. Poladyan, 'Yezdineri Davanank'e', Patma-Banasirakan handes, No. 4, Erivan, ...
Julius Assfalg, 'Zur Textuberlieferung der Chronik von Arbela: Beobachtungen zu Ms. or. fol. 3126'...
Gurgis Awad, 'Historical, Geographical Researches in the Region East of Mosul', Sumer, vol. 17, pp. ...
David Ayalon, 'Studies on the Transfer of the 'Abbasid Caliphate from Baghdad to Cairo', Arabica, vo...
anonymous, 'The Yezidis: a Strange Survival', Church Quarterly Review, vol. 58, pp. 119-37.
Baron Berthelot de Baye, 'Au sud de la chaine du Caucase' Revue de Geographie, vol. 44, pp. 241-75, ...
Emir Kamuran Ali Bedr Khan, 'Notice sur la Bible Noire', Hawar, vol. 1 no. 14 (31 Dec 1932), pp. 7-8...
Emir Kamuran Ali Bedr Khan, 'Le culte du soleil chex les kurdes', Atlantis (Vincennes), nol. 7 no. 5...
Emir Kamuran Ali Bedr Khan, review of Damluji, The Yezidis in Bulletin du Centre d'Etudes kurdes, no...
A. Bennigsen, 'Les kurdes et la kurdologie en Union Sovietique', Cahiers du monde russe et sovietiqu...
I. N. Berezin, 'Yezidy', Magazin Zemlevedeniya i Puteshestvy, vol. 3, pp. 428-54.
I. N. Berezin, 'Khristianye v Mesopotamiyi i Siriyi', Moskvityamin, vol. 4, no. 16, bl.2, section 2,...
I. N. Berezin, 'Mosul', Biblioteka dlya chteniya, vol. 133, section 1, pp. 170-190.
I. N. Berezin, 'Pravoslavniya i drugiya khristianskiya tserkvi v Turtsiyi', Biblioteka dlya chteniya...
I. N. Berezin, 'Sovremennaya Turtsiya', Otechestvenniya Zapiski, vol. 104, pp. 29-58, 397-424.
I. N. Berezin, 'Opasny put', Biblioteka dlya chteniya, vol. 152, section 1, pp.1-50.
I. N. Berezin, centenarial tributes, Aziatsky Musey, Zapiski Kollegiyi Vostokovyedov, vol. 1, 1925 p...
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Bittner 'Die beiden heiligen Bucher der Jeziden im Lichte der Textkritik', Anth...
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Bittner 'Die heiligen Bucher der Jeziden oder Teufelsanbeter', Denkschriften d...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Le Djebel Sindjar au debut du XIXe siecle', Roja Nu (Beirut), no. 56.
Thomas Bois OP, 'Les Yezidis et leur culte des morts', Les Cahiers de l'Est, (Beirut), series 2, vol...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Coup d'oeil sur la litterature kurde', al-Machrig, vol. 49, 1955, pp. 201-39.
Thomas Bois OP, 'Les Kurdes: Histoire, Sociologie, Litterature, Folklore', Machrig, vol. 53, 1959,...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Les Yezidis: Essai historique et sociologique sur leur origine religieuse', al-Mach...
Thomas Bois OP, 'La vie sociale des Kurdes', al-Machrig, vol. 56, 1962, pp. 599-661.
Thomas Bois OP, 'La religion des Kurdes', Proche-orient Chretien, vol. 11, pp. 105-36.
Thomas Bois OP, review of Arab Shamilov, Berbang, Erivan, 1958, in L'Afrique et l'Asie, no. 63, 1963...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Mahabad; une ephemere republique kurde independante', Orient (Paris), vol. 29, pp. ...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Bulletin raisonne d'etudes kurdes', al-Machrig, vol. 58, pp.527-70.
Thomas Bois OP, 'Les dominicains a l'avant-garde de la kurdologie au XVIIIe siecle', Archivum fratru...
Thomas Bois OP, 'Comment ecrire le kurde?', al-Machrig, vol. 59, pp. 369-78 with 10 plates.
Thomas Bois OP, 'Monasteres chretiens et temples yezidis dans le Kurdistan irakien', al-Machrig, vol...
Thomas Bois OP, review of Silvio van Rooy and Rees Tamboer, ISK's Kurdish Bibliography, Amsterdam, 1...
Thomas Bois OP, obituary, 1975.
L. Bouvat, 'A propos des Yezidis', Revue du monde musulman, vol. 28, pp.339-46.
Julius Braun, 'Die Sekten im Islam/Die Jesiden', Globus, vol. 14, pp.309-310.
C. Brockelmann, 'Das Neujahrsfest der Jezidis', Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellsch...
Dr. L. E. Browski, 'Die Jeziden und ihre Religion', Das Ausland, vol. 59, 1886, pp. 761-7, 785-90 [E...
Heribert Busse, 'Abd al-Gani an-Nabulusis Reisen im Libanon', (1100/1689-1112/1700), Der Islam, v...
Claude Cahen, 'Le Diyar Bakr au temps des premiers Urtukides', Journal Asiatique, vol. 227, pp. 219-...
Claude Cahen, 'Notes pour l'histoire des Turcomans d'Asie Mineure au XIIIe siecle'Journal Asiatique,...
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Allgemeine Zeitung, Munich, Beilage
Mittheilungen eines deutschen Reienden aus dem russischen Armenien. VI. Die Uferbewohner des Goktsch...
Tigrisfahrt von Diarbekr bis Mosul. (Unsigned article [by Carl Sandreczkil].)
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Oriente Moderno
I Yazidi. (Cites al-Akhbar article, 7 Apr. 1959, regarding Yezidi support for new Iraqi regime.)
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Derevnya Argadzhi; razvaliny goroda Orgova; kochev'ye Yezdov. (Extracts from Z[ubare]v article, 13 A...
The Standard, London
In the Temple of the Devil-Worshippers. (Unsigned article describing mid-August ceremony.)
The Devil-Worshippers: An Interview with the Chief. (Unsigned article by same author.)
Tagliche Rundschau, Unterhaltungsbeilage
Die Jessiden; Die Sekte der sogenannten Teufelsanbeter.(Article by Paul Mohr.)
Tiflissky Listok
Glava yezidov. (Article regarding Ismail Beg's meeting with the Viceroy.)
The Times, London
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Devil-Worship at Mosul: Government Recognition. (Constantinople corespondent despatch, 5 May 1914...
"Melek Taus". (Letter from G.R. Driver.)
Devil Worshippers' Revolt: Punitive Operations in Iraq. (Baghdad correspondent despatch, 25 Oct. 19...
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Daily Tribune, New York
Visit to the Ruins of Nineveh - Exploration of Layard, &c. (Letter, 29 Nov. 1852, from H. Lobdell, M...
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The Great Festival of the Devil Worshippers and their Doctrines. (Letter, 14 Jan, 1853, from H. L[ob...
The Globe, London
Battle of Nizib. (Private correspondent despatch.)
Gunes, Istanbul
Yezidiler: Melegi seytan olanlar. (Articles by B. Murat Oztemir.)
Hurriyet, Istanbul
Yezidiler arasinda. (Articles by Erol Erk.)
Seytani tanri bilenler. (Articles by Emin Ozgonul.)
Dinlerin kavsak noktasinda (Articles by Yildirim Cavli.)
Journal d'Orient, Beirut
Au cour de l'Irak en pays yezidi il y a encore des adorateurs du diable. (Article by Peter Hessling....
Morning Chronicle, London
The Levant Mail. (Constantinople correspondent despatch, 17 August 1843, regarding Nestorian massacr...
Observer, New York
Puseyite Interference at the East. (Reprints letter from "Q" to London Record regarding Badger.)
Massacre of the Nestorians. (Reprints Morning Chronicle article, 5 Sep. 1843.)
Hostility to the Missions of the American Board, in the East. (Letter from "A.H.M." regarding Badger...
The Episcopal Church, not hostile to the Missions of the American Board. (Letter from "H".)
Hostility to the Missions of the American Board in the East. (Reprints Churchman article, 25 Nov. 18...
Hostility to the Missions of the American Board in the East. (Letter from "A.H.M.")
Causes of the Nestorian Massacre. (Letter, 16 Oct. 1843, from A. Grant, Mosul, Mesopotamia.)
The Nestorians and Mr. Badger. (Letters, 6 Dec. 1843 and N.D., from Horatio Southgate, Constantinopl...
L'Orient, Beirut
Visite au peuple le plus oublie du monde. (Articles by Prof. J-P. Dufourg.)
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LEGACY / Origins of Civilisation / Iraq, ed. Michael Wood [includes visit to Lalish]. (Island World ...
John S. Guest & Robert A. Mitchell visit to Yezidi community at Bergen (near Hanover), Germany. (Rob...
John S. Guest & Robert A. Mitchell visit Sheikh Hasan Tamoyan, Yezidi newspaper publisher, in Yerev...
Continuation of John S. Guest & Robert A. Mitchell visit to Sheikh Hasan; lunch with Azize Amar Tamo...
Continuation of John S. Guest & Robert A. Mitchelltrip to Hondaghsag; visit to Yezidi cemetert at Ho...
Continuation of John S. Guest & Robert A. Mitchell radio interview and talk with Azize Amar in Yerev...
John S. Guest, Cornelia Guest & Robert A. Mitchell visit to Yezidi village of Kurukavak in eastern T...
Yezidi religious film. (Dini Filim)
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