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Notebook of Vocabulary of the dialect of Yengen [Fwâi], New Caledonia compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
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PP MS 3/07/03
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PP MS 3, Ray, Box 3
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Papers of Sidney Herbert Ray
Comparative Studies
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words I by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words II in languages of Nguna, Etate, Makura, Three H...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words III in languages of Paama, Ambrim and Espiritu S...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words IV in languages of Malekula, Pentecost and Leper...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words, in languages of Aurora, New Hebrides and Banks'...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words VI in languages of Torres Islands, Santa Cruz Is...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words VII in languages of Malaita (Mala or Mala), Flor...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words VIII in languages of Guadalcanar and Isabel Isla...
Notebook of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic Words IX in languages of New Georgia, Renonga by Sidne...
Three Notebooks of Comparative Vocabulary of Oceanic words by Sidney Herbert Ray
A Comparative vocabulary of Oceanic languages compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Four Notebooks of Vocabulary of Native Words A Comparative Study of the Melanesian Island Languages ...
Transcript of Comparison of Motu, Indonesian and Melanesian by J.Lister Turner
Letter from Herbert Williams to W.G Ivens about the problems of translating Oceanic languages
Letters from Sidney Herbert Ray to Dr W.G Ivens about comparisons between Oceanic Languages
Non-Asian Languages
Notebook of West African vocabularies by Sidney Herbert Ray copied from a Manuscript presented to th...
Notebook of American Indian Vocabularies by Sidney Herbert Ray
Miscellaneous Manuscripts - Notebooks
Notebook of misc notes by W.G Ivens
Notebook in unknown language by Rev. J. Palmer, Melanesian Mission
Notebook in unknown language by Bishop Wilson.
4 notebooks with unidentified languageSidney Herbert Ray
2 notebooks in unidentified languages by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of miscellaneous vocabularies from Frederici's Manuscripts by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of a translation of the Bible into an unidentified langugage
Miscellaneous Manuscripts - Loose Manuscripts
Manuscript of review by Sidney Herbert Ray of The Social and Political SysteManuscript of Central Po...
19 Manuscripts in various unidentified languages including some biblical translations
9 Manuscripts on grammar and vocabulary in various unidentified languages
Manuscript on the tribal name of Jabem/Yabem.
Manuscript of Words for Man in the Languages of the Pacific by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Table of Oceanic Sounds by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Toaripi
Manuscript of Tubetube
Manuscript of Wairua
3 Maps
File of correspondence to Dr.W. G. Ivens, Dr. Codrington and Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript Notes on the Language of Guam and letter from Rev.H.B Case
Transcripts of 'A Vocabulary of Mbau, Kandaru and English' and 'Mbau, Nandronga and English' by Rev....
Notebook on Fijian vocabularies by C.Oswald Lelean
Correspondence on the preparation of a new Fijian-English dictionary
Manuscript of Dialects of Bau, Nadroga and Ba of Fiji
Manuscript of Caka vocabulary
Manuscript of Kandavu (Kadavu) vocabulary.
Manuscript of Mathuata (Macuata) vocabulary
Manuscript of Mba vocabulary
Manuscript of Mbua vocabulary
Manuscript of Nadroga Vocabulary
Manuscript of Noikoro vocabulary
Notebook of Language of Rotuma compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Somosomo vocabulary
Manuscript of Wailevu vocabulary
Louisade Islands
Notebook of Vocabularies of the Louisade Archipelago copied from manuscripts of W.Mersh Strong, by S...
Loyalty Islands
Notebook of Phrases illustrating the Language of Lai, Loyalty Islands
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Uvean Language, Loyalty Islands compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of A Vocabulary of Micronesian dialects by F. W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Lamotrek and Ifalik (Swedes Island and Wilson Island), Mic...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Mokil (Duperry Island), Caroline Islands, Micronesia by F....
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of the Mortlock Island, Micronesia compiled by Sidney Herbert...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Nauru, Pleasant Island, Micronesia by F.W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Ngatik, Micronesia by F. W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Nuku-oro (Monteverde Island), Micronesia by F. W. Christia...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of the Pelew Islands, Micronesia by F. W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Pingelap (McAskill Island) Caroline Group, Micronesia by F...
Notebook of Vocabulary of Pulawat (Kata Island), Caroline Group, Micronesia by F. W. Christian
Manuscript of Ruk Vocabulary [Mortlock Island].
Notebook of Vocabulary of the language of St.David's Island, Micronesia by F. W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the language of Satawal (Tuckers Island), Micronesia by F. W. Christian
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Sonsorol and Tobi (Philip Island and Lord North Island), M...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Uluthi, Mackenzie Island, Caroline Group, Micronesia by F....
New Caledonia
Letter from Maurice Leenhardt to Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Wailu (Houailou) [Ajië] language, New Caledonia compiled by Sidney He...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the dialect of Yengen [Fwâi], New Caledonia compiled by Sidney Herbert Ra...
New Guinea
Notebook of Vocabularies from the North East Coast of British New Guinea by Rev. Copeland King
Notebook of Papuan Vocabularies from South West New Guinea compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabularies of languages from Central and Eastern Papua
Notebook of Vocabularies of languages from mid-Central Papua
Notebook of Vocabularies of languages from Central Papua
Notebook of Vocabularies of languages from Western Papua compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Languages of the Bismarck Archipelago, German New Guinea (Kaiser Wilhe...
Notebook of Vocabulary of British New Guinea, mid central
Notebook of vocabulary of Melanesian British New Guinea, North
Notebook of vocabulary of British New Guinea Melanesian supplementary.
Notebook of vocabulary of British New Guinea Papuan West Central.
Notebook of vocabulary of Papuan British New Guinea North East Coast.
Notebook of vocabulary of Melanesian German New Guinea, New Britain.
Notebook of vocabulary of Papuan German New Guinea Islands
Notebook of vocabulary of Melanesian, German New Guinea Mainland.
Notebook of vocabulary of Netherlands New Guinea, Schouten Archipel.
Notebook of vocabulary of Netherlands New Guinea, Kumava Peninsula.
Notebook of Vocabulary of New Mecklenburg Languages from G. Friederici
Manuscript of Languages in Reports on New Guinea by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Worterverzeichniss der Sprache von Bodgadkim, Kaiser Wilhelmland von Missionar Hoffman s...
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the Arc or Mukauan Language spoken at Cape Vogel, North East Papua compi...
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Bwaidoga Language compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabulary of Daudai, Mabuiag, and Mer collected by Rev E. B. Savage by A. C. Haddon.
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Daui Language, Papua compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Transcript of Elema Languages
Notebook of English-Keapara vocabulary compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Kukukuku vocabulary.
Notebook of Glossary, St. Matthew-s Gospel by Sidney Herbert Ray.
Transcript / Manuscript of Vocabulary of the Kworafi Language spoken by the Kworati tribe
Transcript / Manuscript of The Language of Maising spoken in the villages of Uve, Uiaku, Yuayu, Sina...
Notebook of Outline of Mekeo Grammar, St Joseph River, British New Guinea compiled by Sidney Herbert...
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the Mekeo Language.
Notebook of The Verb in Monumbo by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook on the Monumbo Language by Sidney Herbert Ray
'Vocabulary of English - Murray Island compiled by Rev.A.E Hunt'
Notebook of Namau Vocabulary compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the Paiwa Language, Papua.
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the Panaieti Language.
Noteboook of Vocabulary of the Pokau (Lala or Nara) Language compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Transcript with annotations of Sanana Vocabulary
Transcript with annotations of Sanana Language.
Transcript of Tate Vocabulary
Manuscript of English-Taupola Dictionary by A.Charles Shaw
New Hebrides
Extract of Les Nouvelles Hebrides by Mr. A. Hagen and A. Pineau, Revue d-Ethnographie 7
Manuscript of Notes on Sidney Herbert Ray's Languages of the New Hebrides
Manuscript of Vocabularies of New Hebrides Languages by Rev. W. Gray.
Manuscript of Vocabularies of New Hebrides Languages Rev. Oscar Michelsen
Manuscript of Vocabularies of Three New Hebrides Languages from the Islands of I Pentecost or Raga, ...
Notebook of Melanesian Grammars - Ambrim.
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the Language of Aniwa, New Hebrides, compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Arata, Maewo Island Vocabulary, New Hebrides compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Aulua Language, Malekula.
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Baki Dialect, Epi Island by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Muna o Mai in Emae
Notebook of Vocabulary of the language of Emae, 3 Hills Island, Central New Hebrides
Manuscript of Erakor Grammar.
Notes on Eromaga orthography and pronunciation by Arthur Capell
Manuscript of Eromaga Vocabulary by Arthur Capell
Transcript of Ermaga Verb by Arthur Capell
Transcript of Notes on Ermaga words by A.Capell
Notebook of A Vocabulary of the language of Futuna, New Hebrides
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Kuliviu language, Maskelyne Islands, Malekula Islands, New Hebrides
Notebook of Grammar and dictionary of Lamalanga by W.G. Ivens
Notebook of Grammar and dictionary of Lamalanga by W.
Grammar and dictionary of Lamalanga by W. G. Ivens
Notes on Raga (Lamalanga) grammar and accompanying letter Sidney Herbert Ray to to W. G. Ivens
Vocabulary of the Language of Lo, Torres Islands - Central Melanesia compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Transcript of Book of Genesis in Loh and accompanying letter from W. H. Durrand to Sidney Herbert Ra...
Manuscript of Notes on Loh Grammar.
Manuscript of Lotora (Maewo dialect) Vocabulary.
Notebook of Lotora Vocabulary, Maewo Island, New Hebrides
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Maewo, Aurora Island,New Hebrides, compiled by Sidney Herb...
Manuscript of Makura Grammar.
Letter from Sidney Herbert Ray to W. G. Ivens about Mota and Roviana versions of the New Testament.
A Sketch of Mota Grammar by Rev. R. H. Codrington. (Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford), London.
Manuscript of Mota List
Mota translation of Lots Song.
'Some methods proposed in revision of Mota NT' by Sidney Herbert Ray
Manuscript of Mota bibliography.
Vocabulary of the Nogugu Language, Espirity Santo Island, New Hebrides compiled by Sidney Herbert Ra...
Vocabulary of the Language of Omba, Leper's Island, New Hebrides (Walurigi dialect) compiled by Sidn...
Manuscript of Short Stories in the Opa language.
Manuscript of Stories about Tagaro and Suge written in the Opa language by Huhu.
Notebook of O Vava ta Opa by Thomas Levuhi.
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Language of Pama, New Hebrides compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Dialects of Malekuda Island - Pangkumu and Aulua compiled by Sidney He...
Letters to Sidney Herbert Ray from Rev. Alexander Morton about Pangkumu language.
Notes on the Language of Pangkumu, Malekula, New Hebrides Rev.Alexander Morton.
Manuscript of Veveve huri atatatu ihana Malagira; Raga Story with literal Mota translation and lette...
The Languages of Raga, New Hebrides
Notebook of vocabulary of New Hebrides North, Raga, Maewo.
Epi Vocabularies - A Vocabulary of the Tasiko language of Epi Island, Central New Hebrides compiled ...
Manuscript of Tegua word list.
Notebook of Tegua-Mota Vocabulary, Torres Islands, Melanesia.
Notebook of Toga-Mota Vocabulary, Torres Islands
Manuscript of Toga word list.
Notebook of Grammar of the Uripiu Language, Malekula, New Hebrides
New Ireland and New Britain
Dictionary of the 'New Britain Dialect and English' and of 'English and the New Britain'
'Vocabularies from New Ireland and New Britain' received from J H L Waterhouse
Santa Cruz
The Lords Prayer in the Language of the Reef Islands (Matema etc) Santa Cruz Group, Melanesia.
Manuscript of Songs in the Marovo or Eastern dialect.
Vocabulary of Mandeghusu and Vesu Ghoghoto by Arthur Maurice Hocart.
Manuscript of Mo-iki, Bellona Island.
Vocabulary of the Language of Nifiloli, Reef Islands, Santa Cruz Group, Melanesia compiled by Sidney...
A Vocabulary of the Languages of Nuguria, Leuaniua and Sikaiana compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray.
Manuscript of A Pilheni (Reef Island) Story with Mota translation.
A Vocabulary of the Language on Pilheni, Matema, Nukagpu, and Nupani by Rev.H. N. Drummond and W. J....
Vocabulary of the Language of Utupua, South of Santa Cruz, Melanesia compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Solomon Islands (including Bougainville Island and Choiseul Island)
Vocabularies from the Solomon Islands collected by C. W. Woodford transcribed by Sidney Herbert Ray
Vocabulary of Papuan, Solomon Islands
Vocabulary of Solomon Islands Central, Ysabel, New Georgia
Four notebooks of Solomon Island Languages
Vocabularies of Solomon Island Languages from from G. Friederici's manuscripts
Manuscript of A Short Story, not an original native one, but composed for the occasion
Letter from Sidney Herbert Ray to W. G. Ivens about translating the Bible into Arosi
Notes on Arosi.
Notebook of Vocabulary of the Bumbatana (Varese) dialect, Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands
Vocabulary of the Bambatana language of Choiseul Island and of Rubiana and Marovo, New Georgia by Ar...
Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Bilua tribe at Vella Lavella Island, British Western Solomo...
The NT in Bugotu; the question of its revision by Sidney Herbert Ray
An English and Bugotu Vocabulary from the notes of Rev. H. Welchman
Vocabulary of the Bugotu Language of Ysabel Island, Solomon Islands compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Vocabulary of the Bugotu Language of Ysabel Island, Solomon Islands from a Manuscript by Rev. H. Wel...
Notebook of Bugotu translation of the Song of Solomon by G.Bogese
Manuscript of Colloquial Phrases in Bugotu Language, Ysabel Island, Solomon Islands by E.
Transcript of Words claimed to be invented in Bugotu and not found in any neighbouring tongue
Notebook of Buin language, South Bougainville, Solomon Islands compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Choiseul vocabularies supplied by Rev.J. R. Metcalfe lent to Sidney Herbert Ray by A. Capell
Manuscript of Notes on the Florida Grammar and accompanying letter from S. G. Carlton to W. G. Ivens
Transcript of O Vavae ta Laube by F.R.Ison
Manuscript of sentences and vocabulary in Laube.
Manuscript of The Prodigal Son.S. Luke 15 v.11-32
Transcript of Laube Vocabulary.
Notebook of Seventy works in the Language of Laube, British Solomon Islands Protectorate
Vocabulary of the Language spoken by the Thogokama tribe residing in the village of Karamoluna situa...
Notes on Laumbe by Sidney Herbert Ray
Vocabulary of the Language of Longu, Guadalcanar, British Solomon Islands
Manuscript of Vocabulary of Guadalcanar Dialect
Notebook of Motuna Language, Bougainville Island Vocabulary.
Transcript from 'School text book for use of the Methodist Mission, Motuna, Bougainville'
Notes on Grammar. Motuna, Bougainville Island
Notebook on Motuna Language, Bougainville Island
'Dictionary of Petat Language (Western Buka, North Solomon Islands)'
'A Short Grammar of the Petats Dialect'
'Vocabulary of Rennell Island'
Manuscript of 'Words and Phrases in Roviana and Marovo with their English equivalents'
'Seventy works in the Language of Russell Island Group, British Solomon Islands Protectorate'
Transcript of 'Notes on Russell Island'
Transcript of 'Vocabulary of the Ruviana Language, New Georgia, Solomon Islands'
Letter from W. G. Ivens to Mr. Thomson about Iven's Sa-a Grammar
'Notes on the Grammar of San Cristoval, Ulawa and South Mwala language'
Transcript of 'O Vavae ta Savo, British Solomon Islands'
'Seventy words in the Language of Savo, British Solomon Islands Protectorate'
'Vocabulary of the Language of Savo, Solomon Islands'
'Words and phrases in Savo language collected by Dr.W. H. R. Rivers'
Seventy words in the Language of Sio, North West end of Malaita, British Solomon Islands Protectorat...
Manuscript of 'Vaturanga-English Dictionary and Notes on the Grammar and Construction'
Manuscript of Dictionary of the Language of Vaturanga, Guadacanar
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Notebook of Vocabulary of the Dialects of Malekuda Island - Pangkumu and Aulua compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray
Vocabulary of the Language of Omba, Leper's Island, New Hebrides (Walurigi dialect) compiled by Sidney Herbert Ray