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'The Infante D. Henrique'
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PP MS 29/03/005
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PP MS 29, Box 3
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Papers of Dr. H. G. A Hughes
Research Notes
Gilbert Island Songs
Micronesia - Language General
Typescript of 'The Road to the West. A Book of Collected Verse', by Ernest N. Milne
Ponape Language
Marshallese Language
Comparative Texts - 1) Ellice, 2) Nukuoro, 3) Samoan
Texts - Gilbertese
Gilbertese Texts - prepared by Bauro [Tem Bauro Ratieta] - ex 'Tero'
Gilbertese Texts - prepared by Bauro [Tem Bauro Ratieta] - ex 'Tero'
Gilbertese Texts - prepared by Bauro [Tem Bauro Ratieta] - ex 'Tero'
Gilbertese Texts - prepared by Bauro [Tem Bauro Ratieta] - ex 'Tero'
File of miscellaneous notes, including 'I tei n tara kabon te nang', 'Nei Teribaro', 'E Moti te Moti...
Songs in Oceanic languages
Book of typescripts in Gilbertese Languages and notes from 'American Polynesia', by E. H. Brynan.
Press cuttings and papers relating to African languages and music
Writings by H.G.A. Hughes
'Philip Beaver and the settlement of Bulamu, 1792-1793'
'Comparative Philology and Polynesian Studies'
'The Linguistic situation in Samoa in 1952'
'Modes of interrogation in Gilbertese'
'Gilbertese customs and tradition, texts from Te Nutipepa'
'Chronology of Education in Fiji, Gilbert and Ellice Islands and Tonga'
'Liberia, creation and early days'
'Index of University of London Theses on Colonies to 1948 in Anthropology, Education, Geography and ...
'Chronology of Education in British Africa'
'Rapa Nui - A Select Bibliography'
'Colonial Officials in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands 1892-1979'
'The Samoan 'imbroglio': A Select Bibliography'
'Polynesian Language Studies since 1945 - and tomorrow'
'The Ownership of Niulakita transcribed by Hughes'
'The Origin of the Ruoia and the Kainikam'aen', extract from Journal of the Polynesian Society Vol. ...
'Riddles (Kam'aninga) from the Gilbert Islands', extract from Journal of the Polynesian Society Vol....
Overseas Research leave report by H.G.A. Hughes
Lightning on the Tatras and Dubcek, Dubcek
'Nexo in Andalucia: Selections from "Days in the Sun"', edited by H. G. A. Hughes.
'The Infante D Henrique. The Historical Figure and the Figure in History'
'John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 1340-1399'
'The Tools are on the Bar'
'Understanding Backwards: Fragments of my life'
Reviews of publications relating to the Pacific from Reference Review
Reviews of publications relating mainly to the Pacific from Reference Review.
'Education in Micronesia. A Bibliography of American dissertations', by H.G.A. Hughes
'Education in Samoa. A Bibliography of American dissertations', by H.G.A. Hughes
'Education in Guam. A Bibliography of American dissertations', by H.G.A. Hughes
'An essay toward a dictionary and grammar of the lesser Australian language, according to the dialec...
'Chronology of Education in British Africa'
'Colonial Officials in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, 1892-1979'
'Film and Fundamental Education', by H. G. A. Hughes and Sinclair Road, SOAS London
'Film in Mass Education and Colonial Development'
'The Infante D. Henrique'
'John of Gaunt, 1340-1399'
'Liberia, creation and early days'
'The Ownership of Niulakita', transcribed by H. G. A. Hughes
'Philip Beaver and the settlement at Bulamu, 1792-1793'
'Polynesian Language Studies since 1945 - and tomorrow'
'Rapa Nui - A Select Bibliography'
'The Samoan 'imbroglio': A Select Bibliography'
'Society Islands Mission Press, 1818-1833'
'Understanding Backwards: Fragments of My Life'
'Papiamentu: A Bibliography'
'Language Problems and Policies in Africa'
'Origin of the Rouia and the Kai ni Kam'aen'
'Karantare in Kiribati'
University of London Theses
'Transitive Verbs in Gilbertese' (B. C. Cartland)
'Ten Tioti: Gilbertese Stories from Abaiang'
'Te Riki ae Teabike ke Tegangaroi'
'Te Kariki mai Marawa: Ten Tutu (Abaokoro)'
'Te Buaka I Tarawa'
'Taian Reirei Ibukia Bureitiman n te Aba'
'Simplified Gilbertese Grammar, Tarawa'
'Onatoa Beero Naborian (Tabuarorae)'
'Notes on Gilbertese'
'Loanwords in Gilbertese'
'The Linguistic Situation in Samoa', original typescript
'The Linguistic Situation in Samoa', Gwasg Gwenffwd edition
'Land Names - Tarawa'
'Les Iles Gilbert et les Iles Ellice', by Fernand Hartzer
'Gilbertese Texts', by Teng Kian Ioana
'La Grammaire Gilbertine', by Father Maillard
'Gilbert Islands: extract from published works'
'Gilbertese Texts', by Teng Kian Iona
'Gilbertese Texts', by Te Kautu, Ten Tenene, and H. G. A. Hughes
'Gilbertese Texts I' (Butaritari)
'Gilbertese Texts II' (Butaritari)
'Gilbertese Custom and Tradition: Te Nutipepa', original notebook
'Gilbertese Custom and Tradition: Te Nutipepa' Gwasg Gwenffwd edition
'Gilbertese French Dictionary', E. V. A. Brother John
'Gilbertese Magic'
'Gilbertese Texts' (Abaiang)
'External factors in culture change in the Gilbert Islands to 1892' (Liverpool)
'Coral Island', by Lilian Perry (London Missionary Society)
'Butaritari: Songs and Stories', by Teng Kiang Ioana
'BSC Colours in Gilbertese', by Tem Bauro Ratieta and H. G. A. Hughes
'Anthropology - geography study of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands'
'D. O. Gilberts: Extracts from files'
'Tuvalu Songs and Stories'
'Tokelau Songs and Stories'
'Marshall Island Folk Stories'
'Land Names and Tenure - Funafuti ', by H. G. A. Hughes
'Funafuti texts'
'Funafuti Songs and Stories - Poutoa Solomona'
'Funafuti Songs and Stories - Poutoa Solomona'
'Ellice Texts'
'Ellice Stories and Songs'
'Banaba under Japanese Occupation: An Ellice Account'
'Atafu Texts'
'Songs and Hymns Sola Limolu' (Fuanfuti)
'Nui texts', by H. G. A. Hughes
'Nui, Kiribati, Tuvalu texts', by H. G. A. Hughes
'A Notebook from Funafuti'
'Modes of interrogation in Gilbertese'
'Chronology of Education in Fiji, Gilbert and Ellice Islands and Tonga'
'Burtaritari and Maiana Stories and Songs', by Teng Kiang Iona
'Atafu (Tokelu) texts', by Puasei Karamelu
'Butaritari Stories I and II', by Teng Kiang Iona
'Funafuti Songs, Stories and Texts'
'Texts from Banaba', by H. G. A. Hughes
'Comparative Philology and Polynesian Studies'
'Film and Fundamental Education' (London, SOAS)
University of London Theses
Missionary Press Imprints (Papua, Gilbert Islands, Polynesia)
'Deijiny Jisraelitu', by Richard Feder Kolin
'The Nauruan Language'
'Marquesan Dictionary and Grammar', by William Crook
'A Maiana Notebook'
'Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony: Report Extracts'
'Extracts from "Shipwreck" and "Head and Hands"' (Majuro)
'Notes on Samoan'
'Notes on Marshallese Language'
'Notes on Marshallese Grammar' (Majuro)
'Nui Customs and Genealogies: Ultime/Falani'
'Rabaul News'
'Papua and New Guinea Villager'
'Samoa Bulletin'
'Micronesian Independent'
'Marquesan Dictionary and Grammar', by William Crook (London Missionary Society)
'Puk en Roonamau', by P. Krejenj (Ponape)
'Joulan Katek', by P. Buenaventura de Alboraya (Tokyo)
'Puk en Kaul Jaraui en Muein Krijt' (Liebenzeller Mission)
'Kate Kijmuj te Patak en lamalam Katolik on Jouian en Ponape kan' (Bilbao)
'Puk en Watawat', by P. Krejenj
'Kol un Soulang in Chuk me Fanapi'
'Puken Aueuen Fosun Ingnes'
'Kukkunow', translated by Kin of Feefen Island under supervision of John L. Fischer
'De Evakelio ne sisi Idaho Madaio' (New York)
'Lonodanwa' (Stuttgart)
'Kisin Katekismus te pataak lamalam Katolik ong seri en Ponape kam' (Bilbao)
Negative and positive copies of Research notes [For details see PP MS 29/1]
'Annotated Bibliography of Micronesia'
'Pitcairn Postal Markings 1883-1991', by C. Kitching
'Asian and African Studies in Czechoslovakia'
'David Samwell', by E G. Bowen
New Zealand
Philippine Islands
Pacific Anthropologists
'Melanesian Mission', by S. W. Artless
American Research: Far East/Western Pacific
'Les Iles Carolins', by A. Gouts
Pohnpei Calendar
'Pronomina Mikronesiens', by A Thalheimer
'English and Czech consonants', by A Skalickova
'Police Motu', by P. Chatterton
'Tahitian Dictionary', by L. Clairmont
'Rumanian', by G. Nandris
'Simplified Gilbertese Grammar'
'Te Grammar ae Tuan te Taetar'
'Aia Bai Kain A N Rei Wareboki'
'Names in Fiji I'
'Phonetics in Fijian'
'Sprak Nytt'
'Mic Vocabular al Festivalui'
'Melanesian Pigin', by R. A. Hall
'Lanyon-Orgill Levangiva'
'Milmer Language of House Building'
'Oceanic Names IV' (WPHC)
'Oceanic Names I' (Foreign)
Hughes Papers, Adelaide 2/1995
'Lenin', by W. J. Rees
'Ocean Island', by N. L. H. Krauss
'Puken Aueuen Fosun Ingnes'
'Tala o Tuvalu', No. 15 - No. 135
'Krejenj Puk en Roonamau' (Ponape)
'Western Samoa Historical Notes' (Apia)
'RNTO Romanian'
'Romanian Folk Art', by H. G. A. Hughes and A. L. Lloyd
'Maesycoed: The Road to Castellau'
'Maniffesto'r Blaid Gomiwnyddol'
Cyfrifon Dosparth Y Gadlys, Aberdar
Cyfrifon Dosparth Y Gladys, Aberdar
Copyright/Legal Deposit Receipts (GB)
Deposit Receipts (Foreign)
Deposit Receipts (GB)
Deposit Receipts (Glamorgan Archive Service)
Deposit Receipts (National Library of Wales)
Deposit Receipts (Flintshire/Clwyd Record Office)
'Micronesia: The Recollections of a Schooner Captain', by Cpt. Alexander Bolton.
Ellice Islands
Ellice Islands
Ellice Islands
Ellice Islands
Ellice Islands
Ellice Islands: Social Welfare
Ellice Islands
'Ellice Islands', by H. R. McClure
North Berkshire Election
Reviews: Pacific
Reviews: Oceanic Language
Reviews: South American
Reviews: Portuguese
Reviews: Spanish
Reviews: Oriental
Reviews: Languages
Reviews: English
Reviews: Wales
Banaba 1951
'Metrical Factors in Language Change', by B. W. Bender
'Ternary Foot Structure in Gilbertese'
'Cosmogonic Texts (Rapanui)', by S. R. Fischer
'Tuvalu Archives', by Betty Forshaw
Reviews 3: Education
Reviews 3: Languages
Reviews 3: Wales
Reviews 3: Pacific
Reviews 3: Spain/Portugal
CWB School Certificate Examination
CWB School Certificate Examination
O Nuutinen. 'Introduction to Finnish'
P R Jones Pontypridd French Notes
Colwyn Bay Technical College
Hanes Gweithwyr Cymru/ Welsh Workers' History 3/1994.
'Spanish Morphology', by A. Ewert
'Calderon', by W. J. Entwhistle
'Cervantes', by A. Jimenez
'Melanesian Pidgin', by S. W. Reed
Eng-Gilbertese Vocab. A-C
Jesus, Oxford Entrance Exam
Audio Tapes
Ellice 1. Recorded Funafuti
Ellice 2. Recorded Funafuti
Ellice Sentences 1-10. Recorded Funafuti
Maori 1-10. Speaker = Maharaia Winiata (NZ). Recorded at SOAS.
Kiribati 1
Kiribati 2
Kiribati 3
Kiribati 4
Kiribati 5
Kiribati 6
Kiribati - A Course in Gilbertese. Story no. 1. Speaker = Bauro Ratieta
Kiribati - A Course in Gilbertese. Story no. 2 Speaker = Bauro Ratieta
Kiribati - A Course in Gilbertese. Story no. 3. Speaker = Bauro Ratieta. Recorded at SOAS
Kiribati - A Course in Gilbertese (1ya). Speaker = Bauro Ratieta. Recorded at SOAS
Kiribati - A Course in Gilbertese. Gilbertese Sentences. Speaker = Bauro Ratieta. Recorded at SOAS.
Samoa 1. Recorded Apia.
Samoa 2. Recorded Apia.
Samoa 3. Recorded Apia.
Samoa 4. Recorded Apia
Samoa 5. Recorded Apia.
Samoa 6. Recorded Apia.
Samoa 7. Recorded Apia.
Nui. Recorded Funafuti
Religious Service. Recorded Maiuro.
Asaff Kvartett - Jewish music from Czechoslovakia
Truk. Recorded Camano.
Sikaiana 1-4
Gilbertese Stories
Students Suva Bound. Recorded Suva.
Atafu Stories. Speaker = Puasei Karamelu. Recorded Funafuti.
Raratonga. Recorded Suva.
Texts A/B/C. Speaker = Bauro Ratieta. Recorded at SOAS.
Ponapean Songs recorded at Kolonia
Gilbertese Records 1-12. Recordings prepared by Hughes and Tem Bauro Ratieta.
Gilbertese Records 1-7. Speaker = Bauro Ratieta. Recorded at SOAS.
September 2008 Acquisition
The Film and Fundamental Education - H.G.A Hughes and Sinclair Road
Rumanian Folk Art from the Rumanian People's Republic - H.G.A Hughes and A.L.Lloyd
Review Article: Mythistoire Tungaru: Cosmologies et genealogies aux iles Gilbert by Jean-Paul Latouc...
Banaba: Photographs of Ocean Island, Gilbert and Ellis Islands Colony (1950)
An Essay Toward a Dictionary and Grammar of the Lesser-Australian Language, according to the dialect...
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