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Letters from William Sewell and his wife Hilda to his mother Mrs A. H. Sewell.
Includes one letter to his sister Pearlie.
Archive & Special Collections
PP MS 16/04/02
Reference only
Order number:
PP MS 14, Box 2
Date(s) of creation:
3 Feb 1936 - 21 Aug 1937
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Papers of William Gawan Sewell
Reports to the Society of Friends in London.
Letters and journal letters sent to the Society of Friends' headquarters in London.
Letters to the Society of Friends' headquarters in London.
15 letters to the Society of Friends' headquarters in London; one letter to his mother dated 15 Sep ...
21 letters to the Friends' Service Council in London.
Letters to the Friends' Service Council in London, his mother and to Norah Ackerley.
Internment of the Sewell Family in Hong Kong.
Letters sent and received by the Sewell family during their internment by the Japanese in Stanley Ca...
Sermons delivered at Stanley Camp by Sewell and articles about the camp.
Post-war letters to the Sewell family about their internment, money used in Stanley Camp and noteboo...
Miscellaneous papers relating to internment and Quaker mission work in Chengdu during the war.
Diaries and notebooks of William Sewell
Six diaries and notebooks for 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1947.
Typed extracts from diaries 1937-1948.
Diaries for 1941 and 1942, covering William Sewell's last days in Chengdu before flying to Hong Kong...
Family letters
Letters from William Sewell and his wife Hilda to his mother, Mrs A. H. Sewell.
Letters from William Sewell and his wife Hilda to his mother Mrs A. H. Sewell.
Letters from William and Hilda Sewell to his mother.
Letters from William Sewell to his children Ruth (Ruth Baker), Daphne (Daphne Erasmus) and Roger.
39 letters, dated 16 Apr 1950 to 28 Oct 1951, from William Sewell to daughter Ruth, 70 letters, date...
Published and unpublished writings of William Sewell
Miscellaneous letters and writings of William Sewell.
First draft of a story for young people about the missionary explorer scientist, James Elgar whom WS...
Article on China ghost-written for someone.
"Day Fong", an account of a friendship with a revolutionary girl.
Story entitled "Little Orchid - the youngest of the Yangs", published in Here and There pp 650-651.
Article entitled, "Spring in the heart of young China".
Report by WS to President Liu of Hua Hsi University (formerly West China Union University), pp 3 and...
Article entitled "Scabs and scourges".
Cutting of an extensive interview with Sewell in Hong Kong Chinese Newspaper, Da Gong Bao; English ...
Unpublished article entitled "they do it better in China", partly published in Sewell's I stayed in ...
Unpublished article entitled "Let us wash our brains a little"
Letter from Frank Short of the Conference of Missionary Societies enclosing a questionnaire for the ...
Published address entitled "Our neighbours and ourselves" given by WS to the New Zealand yearly meet...
Articles entitled "A century of World service" published in Friends' Quarterly, Jul 1968, pp 114-128...
Letter from Enid H. Douglas, Director of the Oral History Programme at Claremont Graduate School, en...
Article entitled "the treatment of offenders in China", published in Friends' Quarterly in January 1...
Commentary in The Friend, 28 Oct 1977.
Paper on "Chinese cultural continuity - the past and present" given to the Europe-China Association...
Paper on "Christians in China" given to the Europe-China Association Summer School at Oxford in 1978...
Paper on "Early days of Western medical education in China" given at the Europe-China Association Su...
Paper on "Chinese countryfolk" given at the Europe-China Association Summer School at Oxford in 1980...
Xian-dai liang-se gai-yao (Outline Basics of modern dyeing).
"Shades". Unpublished novel based on his early life in England and experiences when evacuated to Sha...
"Molly Wu". Unpublished novel by William Sewell based on his experiences in Chengdu; with a note by ...
West China Union University, mission work and general conditions in Sichuan and China
Miscellaneous printed and typewritten material on West China Union University (WCCU), mission work a...
The Chinese Students' Conference held at the University of Leeds; notes on those attending.
Photograph, with captions, of those attending the Chinese students' Conference in 1917.
History of the West China Union University (WCCU) 1910-1939.
History of the West China Union University (WCCU) by J. Taylor
Friends Service Council appeal for funds for West China Union University (WCCU), describing Quaker i...
Article about the West China Union University (WCCU) in The Builder, including plans, drawings and p...
Article entitled "Thirty-eight years of religious life at the West China Union University, 1910-1948...
Copy of letter from William Sewell and others to the President and faculty of West China Union Unive...
Typescript entitled "China and the Quakers: a century of Sino-British Team Work" by H. T. Silcock. T...
Typescript entitled "Shanghai experiment: the story of the Friends' International Centre in Shangha...
Passport in Chinese issued to William Sewell and wife by the British Acting Consul.
Summarised transalation of statement in Chinese issued by workers of the Canadian Mission Press, Ch...
An account of the investiture by the Chinese Government of Dr Joseph Beech, Chancellor of West China...
Printed statement of anti-war convictions signed by representatives of various religious groups in C...
A brochure on the West China Union University Women's college describing its achievements in fifteen...
The case for a new science building for chemistry.
The beginning of the Chinese Post Office in Szechwan by S. C. Yang.
Calendar for 1939 printed at the Canadian Mission Press at Chengdu.
Map showing the movement of universities in China; on the reverse plan of the battle of Changsha.
Copy of Xiao-bao for 16 Feb 1949, with hostile views of Western involvement in West China Union Univ...
Passport with photograph, issued to William Sewell by the Sichuan provincial government.
Newspaper, Xinhua.
Article by William Sewell on the Chinese Communist take-over of West China Union University (WCCU).
Slogans to be shouted at take-over ceremony.
Translation of letter to the teachers of West China Union University (WCCU) on Teachers' day from th...
William Sewell's letter of appointment from the Chinese Communist authorities, with envelope.
Membership list of Hong Kong Branch of West China Union University (WCCU) Old Students' Association.
Article by William Sewell, entitled "A chemist in China" published in Chemistry in Britain, Vol 8, N...
Miscellaneous printed and typewritten material about Chinese life, mission work and Lignan Universit...
Miscellaneous letters and papers sent and received by William Sewell in Chengdu; album of photograph...
Miscellaneous notes by WS; report and article in the Friend, on the Quaker mission to China in 1955....
Reports, Church and secular newspaper accounts; journal articles and miscellaneous items chiefly on...
Maps and guides of China collected by William Sewell.
Presscuttings, mostly about the liberation of Hong Kong from Japanese occupation with some reference...
Letter from China, a news sheet issued from Peking by Anna Louise Strong (1885-1970).
Miscellaneous items
Package of National Christian Council posters which provoked anti-foreign feeling in China.
Engraving of West China Union University, Chengdu.
Package of Chinese shadow puppets to perform "Tiger Story", with a letter from WS describing the sto...
Pictures for Sunday Schools drawn by Mrs Kitchen in Chengdu.
Four scrolls by Yen Kai, the Sichuanese calligrapher, with a brief biography of him and a note by Wi...
Three black and white drawings of West China Union University. Interior of Library, Biology building...
Photograph of students and staff of West China Union University, 1926 with an envelope containing so...
Photograph album of the inauguration of the University of Ghana, 25 Nov 1961 and a packet of African...
Engagement diary of William Sewell during home leave in 1930.
Memoir entitled "Life in China 1922-1947", By Ronald Rees, with a letter to WS from Ronald Rees.
Photocopy of typescript entitled "Glimpses of the History of medicine", by F. P. Lisowski.
"The emergence and development of the barefoot doctor in China", by F.P. Lisowski.
12 Chinese gramophone records together with sheets of music and explanatory notes.
Chinese political posters
'Qing zhu Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo cheng li' / '慶祝中華人民共和國成立' / ‘Celebrating...
'Yao gu wu' / '腰鼓舞'
'Yangge wu' / '秧歌舞'
'Xin nian lao jun' / '新年勞軍'
'Can jun tu' / '參軍圖'
'Xuan ju tu' / '選舉圖 ' / ‘Elections’
'Ling tu di zheng' / '領土地證' / ‘Land permits’
'Sheng chan tu' / '生産圖'
'Qing suan tu' / '清算圖'
'Gong shen e ba' / '公審惡霸' / ‘Public trail’
'Xue xi wen hua' / '學習文化' / ‘Culture of learning’
'He jia huan' / '合家歡'
'Xi bao lin men' / '喜報臨門' / ‘Good news greetings’
'Re ai Sulian gong cheng shi' / '熱愛蘇聯工程師' / ‘We love Soviet Engineers’
'Sulian gong cheng shi bang zhu wo men xiu cheng yu tie lu' / '蘇聯工程師幫助我們修成渝�...
'Jian zao da tie qiao' / '建造大鐵橋' / ‘Great bridge construction’
'Jiao ai guo gong liang' / '繳愛國公糧' / ‘Patriotic public pay tax with grain’
'Zang bao re ai Mao zhu xi' / '藏胞毛主席'
'Qing zhu Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo guo qing jie' / '慶祝中華人民共和國國慶節' / ‘Peop...
'Da hao pi lin pi kong de ren min zhan zheng' / '大好批林批孔的人民战争' / ‘People's gr...
'Yao liang you liang, yao qian you qian, yao ren you ren, zan men jian jue wei kang mei yuan chao ba...
'Jia jin sheng chan, duo da liang shi!' / '加緊生産, 多大粮食!' / ‘Step up production, gro...
'Shao nian er tong dui xiang Mao zhu xi xian hua' / '少年兒童隊向毛主席獻花' / ‘Childre...
'Hao hao xue xi, tian tian xiang shang' / '好好学习 天天向上' / ‘Study hard, improve day b...
'Zhongguo ren min wei da ling xiu Mao zhu xi' / '中國人民偉大領袖毛主席' / ‘Chinese peo...
'Zai Mao Zedong de sheng li qi zhi xia qian jin' / '在毛澤東的勝利旗幟下前進' / ‘Forwa...
'Nu li xue xi, zhun bei can jia xin Zhongguo de jian she!' / '努力學習, 準備參加新中國的...
'Wei gong nong bing fu wu, tong gong nong bing jie he!' / '为工农兵服务, 同工农兵结合!'
'Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman; making revolution depends on Mao Tsetung thought' / '大�...
'Ma ma, wo can jia le shao nian er tong dui!' / '媽媽, 我參加了少年兒童隊!' / ‘Mom, I j...
'Mao zhu xi ling dao jian she xin Zhongguo' / '毛主席領導建設新中國' / ‘Chairman Mao lea...
'Gong nong bing shi pi lin pi kong de zhu li jun' / '工农兵是批林批孔的主力军' / ‘Peas...
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Letters from William and Hilda Sewell to his mother.
"Molly Wu". Unpublished novel by William Sewell based on his experiences in Chengdu; with a note by William Sewell.
Letters from William Sewell to his children Ruth (Ruth Baker), Daphne (Daphne Erasmus) and Roger.
Miscellaneous letters and writings of William Sewell.