Women's Missionary Association: Lingtung/Swatow & Hakka mission districts

Hakka and Lingtung minutes and correspondence, diaries of Catherine Ricketts, first single woman missionary of the PCE.; plans of mission compounds and buildings.

Date(s) of creation: 1878 - 1950
Level: Sub-collection
Format: Archive           

Summary: Hakka and Lingtung minutes and correspondence, diaries of Catherine Ricketts, first single woman missionary of the PCE.; plans of mission compounds and buildings.
Admin history: Swatow/Lingtung: Catherine Ricketts, who was born in 1841, became the first WMA missionary. She was appointed to the Swatow [Shantou] Mission in 1877 where she remained until her death in 1907. She had engaged in philanthropic and educational work in Brighton where she had began a branch of the YWCA and had also served as a member of the School Board. In Swatow she took part first in teaching girls, a girls' school had been founded in 1873, but then became absorbed in establishing and teaching in a training school for Bible women. Some ye ... View more
Arrangement: Records from the Swatow and Hakka mission districts have been listed together here as joint meetings of the Swatow and Hakka Mission Councils took place and many of the records relate to both districts.
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive