Display board: interior views of the new Changchow Union Hospital and hospital activities

Display board with photographs showing the interior of the new Changchow Union Hospital, Changchow [Zhangzhou], Fujian, and the activities of nurses and other staff around the hospital. Captions include: "private room with patient"; "in the ward" (nurses with patients); "superintendent of nurses and...

Full description

Order number: MS 380815 Outsized
Date(s) of creation: 1949-c1950
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MS 380815 Outsized
Summary: Display board with photographs showing the interior of the new Changchow Union Hospital, Changchow [Zhangzhou], Fujian, and the activities of nurses and other staff around the hospital. Captions include: "private room with patient"; "in the ward" (nurses with patients); "superintendent of nurses and her assistant"; "nurses' station"; "the dispensary"; "in the workshop"; "preparing the operating theatre"; "vaccinations" (nurses giving vaccinations to children); "Harvest Festival in the Union Hospital" (2 photographs); "sewing women"; "O.P.D. [Out Patients' Department?] dressing room"; "in the kitchen"; "the theatre instrument cupboards"; "a nursing station"; "the night round" (nurses visiting wards); "the medicine round" (nurses preparing medicines); "examining a patient"; "a service in the chapel"; "an operation in progress"; "the central supply room"; "night nurses"; "in the nursery"; "Committee of Nursing Students Christian Association"; "in the laboratory"; "a practical nursing class"; "a class of students" (nursing students); "students at basket ball"; "a group of students" (nursing students); "the business manager's office"; "the staff dining room". With the exception of the two photographs labelled "Harvest Festival in the Union Hospital", the photographs are listed in Harman's 'Notes on the Photographs of Changchow Union Hospital' (see MS380815/1/3/7/1), representing nos. 9-12, 14-15, 17-18, 20-21, 24-28, 32, 34, 37, 40-41, 52, 56, 58 and 65. To facilitate cross-referencing, the display board has been annotated (by SOAS) with the numbers of the photographs in Harman's list.
Extent: 1 display board (31 photographs)
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by SOAS, University of London
Language: English
Finding aids: Handlist available
Related material: Further information about some of the photographs is provided in Harman's 'Notes on the Photographs of Changchow Union Hospital' (MS380815/1/3/7/1).
Format: Archive