Florence E Gooch journals

Travel log and diary of return to England for furlough. First volume records her departure from China, a stop off in Japan and time spent in Hawaii (200 pages), 14 October 1936 to 7 December [1936]. Second volume continues with her stay in Hawaii, her time spent in mainland of the USA and her journe...

Full description

Order number: MMS Box 1204
Date(s) of creation: 1936-1946
Level: Sub-series
Format: Archive           
Main author: Gooch; Florence E (1881-1953); educational and evangelistic missionary

collection SOAS Archive
id MMS.
recordtype archive
scb_item_location Archive & Special Collections
item_location Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type Reference only
scb_order_with MMS Box 1204
callnumber MMS/17/02/09/11
callnumber_txt MMS/17/02/09/11
callnumber-sort MMS/17/02/09/11
prefix_number 11
scb_previous_numbers MCH Acc No 8
title Florence E Gooch journals
scb_date_creation 1936-1946
scb_level Sub-series
level_sort 7/Collection/Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Collection/Sub-Sub-Sub-Collection/Series/Sub-Series/Sub-Sub-Series/File
scb_extent 3 items
author Gooch; Florence E (1881-1953); educational and evangelistic missionary
author_facet Gooch; Florence E (1881-1953); educational and evangelistic missionary
authorStr Gooch; Florence E (1881-1953); educational and evangelistic missionary
author_letter Gooch; Florence E (1881-1953); educational and evangelistic missionary
format Archive
scb_admin_history Florence Gooch was born on 13 September 1881 and joined the Women's Auxiliary of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society in 1905. On 9 January 1906 she departed Southampton aboard the 'Princess Alice' for the Wuchang District of China, arriving in Hankow [Wuhan] on 25 February. She was charged with supervising the day schools and undertaking evangelical work amongst women. Despite ill health in 1911 (leading to an enforced furlough in England until early 1912) her mission continued to expand to the extent that additional help was required, with Miss Edith Wagstaff being dispatched from England to assist her in 1914. In 1916 her work focused on Kuling [?Lushan] where she remained (excluding a furlough in 1918) until she relocated to Wuchang itself. Here she continued her evangelical work and supervised bible and day schools. An extended furlough in England began in 1925 and continued until she returned to Hankow [Wuhan] in 1932. Here she remained (excluding a furlough from 1936 to 1937) until her work was halted by the Japanese occupation. She was initially interned in 1943 in Lunghwa camp, near Shanghai, but was then transferred to the Methodist missionary home for 'elderly people and invalids'. She remained in the home until the autumn of 1945 and had returned to England by 1946. She died on 9 February 1953.
scb_acquisition Transferred to SOAS Archive from MCOD, 29 October 1984.
description Travel log and diary of return to England for furlough. First volume records her departure from China, a stop off in Japan and time spent in Hawaii (200 pages), 14 October 1936 to 7 December [1936]. Second volume continues with her stay in Hawaii, her time spent in mainland of the USA and her journey back to England (121 pages). With expenses at rear. 7 December [1936] to ?March 1937. Memorandum book. Approximately the first half of the volume records her time in a [Methodist] Missionary home in Shanghai, China, whilst under Japanese occupation and her subsequent release. The second half of the volume records her thoughts and those of friends and colleagues on a number of matters, along with copies of poems and hymns. 1 January 1944 to 1 December 1946.
scb_related_name_code GB/SOASNAF/P993
scb_related_name_relationship Subject of
scb_place_code 1814991
scb_access_status Open
scb_copyright Copyright probably held by Methodist Missionary Society.
scb_use_restrictions For permission to publish, please contact Archives & Special Collections, SOAS Library in the first instance
language English
language_search English
scb_related_material No correspondence for the Wesleyan Methodist Women's Auxiliary's from China survives for before 1920. Any extant letters written from 1920 onwards by Ms Gooch should be amongst the correspondence for the Hupeh District (MMS/WW/China/Correspondence/Hupeh/FBN 4-5). A few of her letters (or extracts from them) are reproduced in the publications of the Women's Auxiliary. Photographs of Ms Gooch are also available and can be found amongst the Margaret Crabtree papers (MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/Crabtree/Box 1202A files 3, 4 & 9).
hierarchy_top_id_raw MMS
hierarchy_sequence MMS.0017.0002.0009.0011