Two letters written from Kpong [Ghana] to T. B. Freeman

One letter is written by J[ulian] Briand whilst the other is written by A Palmer (and may have been an enclosure to the first). Briand's letter mentions he will travel with Randolph to ?Agunntse re taxes, complains Freeman has not written to him with instructions recently and requests supplies of pa...

Full description

Order number: MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Africa/597B
Date(s) of creation: 27 April 1859
Level: File
Format: Archive           

Order number: MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Africa/597B
Summary: One letter is written by J[ulian] Briand whilst the other is written by A Palmer (and may have been an enclosure to the first). Briand's letter mentions he will travel with Randolph to ?Agunntse re taxes, complains Freeman has not written to him with instructions recently and requests supplies of paper and envelopes. With note re court case. Palmer's letter mentions the hiring of labourers, assistance received from Mr Briand, expenses and salaries.
Extent: 4 pages
Custodial history: Given to the Methodist Church by Mrs H Birtwhistle of Worcester
Acquisition: Transferred to SOAS, March 2003
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright held by Methodist Missionary SocietyApply to SOAS Archives & Special Collections in the first instance
Language: English
File number: 4
Format: Archive