The papers that form part of this collection were created or collected by John Swire & Sons, Ltd, London in their capacity as parent company and managers of their subsidiary businesses in the East. For this reason, the records that form this collection are mainly correspondence (though there may...

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Date(s) of creation: 1977-1979
Level: Sub-collection
Format: Archive           

Summary: The papers that form part of this collection were created or collected by John Swire & Sons, Ltd, London in their capacity as parent company and managers of their subsidiary businesses in the East. For this reason, the records that form this collection are mainly correspondence (though there may be some future accruals): the operational records of the company are held by the Swire Archive Service in Hong Kong.
Extent: 4 boxes
Admin history: Swire Properties was incorporated in Hong Kong with interests held by B&S Industries Limited and The Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company of Hong Kong Limited (renamed as Swire Pacific Limited in 1974). In January, the Hong Kong Government approved in principle a master development plan submitted by the Company to develop a site comprising approximately 96 acres, including the Taikoo Dockyard (now known as Taikoo Shing), Taikoo Sugar Refinery Compound (which later became the Taikoo Trading Estate and the current Taikoo Place), Braema ... View more
Access status: Open
Copyright: Copyright is owned by John Swire & Sons, Ltd, 59 Buckingham Gate, London
User restrictions: Copying is permitted for personal research purposes only. Please contact the archivist for all publication requests
Language: English
Scripts: Latin
Format: Archive