collection |
SOAS Archive
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scb_item_location |
Archive & Special Collections
item_location |
Archive & Special Collections
scb_loan_type |
Reference only
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CWM/LMS/Papua New Guinea/Photographs, Box 16
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title |
Personal collections: Ruth Archer
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scb_extent |
17 colour and black & white prints
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scb_admin_history |
Constance Ruth Archer was born in 1937. She was appointed to Papua New Guinea with the London Missionary Society in June 1965 and departed for Papua in January 1966. She served as a qualified nurse and medical professional in Fife Bay between 1966 and 1968, and at Iruna Hospital from 1969. She resigned from the Society in December 1976.
scb_acquisition |
Donated to CWM by Ruth Archer in October 2016, in response to 40th anniversary appeal for photographs.
description |
2 batches of photographs. One batch comprising prints of London Missionary Society work in Papua New Guinea prior to 1977 (photographs by Margaret Cole and Ruth Archer): canoes near Mawatta village at the entrance of the Binaturi River, 1971; re-enacting the landing of Murray and MacFarlane, Jul 1971; 2nd year nurses, Iruna Hospital, 1971; Pageant at Nunumai [Nanumai, Na numai], Daga, Mar 1975; Dedication of Daga NT [New Testament?], Nunumai, Mar 1975; young people received into Church membership at Iruna, Mar 1970; view of playing fields, Lawes College, Fife Bay; local Church Leaders including Father Hannington, Bishop Ravu Henau, Bishop Reynold, Canon John Bodger, Dogwa Anglican Cathedral, Mar 1978. Second batch comprising colour prints of Fife Bay, Suan District, Aug 2005 (photographs by Rev Lee Piper, Australia): medical aid post at Ilo Ilo Village; medical aid post at Silo Silo Village; hospital buildings following repairs, Suan Island; new hospital, Fife Bay; Fife Bay hospital buildings - maternity and general wards; children at Ilo Ilo beach.
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scb_related_material |
A copy of 'Delta Echo! Experiences in a Bush Hospital in Papua', by Ruth Archer (Honeybee Books, 2014) is held in the Council for World Mission Library at classmark CWML Z14.
A copy of 'Alpha Hotel! Letters from Iruna Hospital, Papua New Guinea', by Ruth Archer ((Honeybee Books, 2018) is also held in the Council for World Mission Library at classmark [insert].
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