North China Incoming Correspondence

Incoming correspondence from LMS missionaries in the North China mission field. Detailed cataloguing has been completed at file level for the period 1860-1900. Catalogue entries provide the names of correspondents, dates, places and a summary of the subject matter. Letters for the later period hav...

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Order number: CWM/LMS/North China/Incoming correspondence/Box…etc. 1860-1867 Box 1* 1868-1876 Box 2* 1877-1879 Box 3* 1880-1883 Box 4* 1884-1886 Box 5* 1887-1888 Box 6* 1889-1891 Box 7* 1892-1893 Box 8* 1894-1895 Box 9* 1896-1898 Box 10* 1899 Box 11 1900 Box 12 1901 Box 13 1902 Box 14 1903-1904 Box 15A 1905-1906 Box 15B 1907 Box 15C 1909-1910 Box 16 1911 Box 17 1912-1913 Box 18 1914-1915 Box 19 1916-1917 Box 20 1918-1919 Box 21 1920-1921 Box 22 1922-1923 Box 23 1924-1925 Box 24 1926-1927 Box 25
Date(s) of creation: 1860-1927
Level: Series
Format: Archive