[COOK ISLANDS] 1:6,060 etc [various scales]; South Pacific. Islands and anchorages in Cook Islands, new edition. London, Admiralty, 1925 (first published 1923)

9 maps on chart, monochrome, 97 x 67 cm; Titles; Aitutaki I: Arutunga Anchorage 1:18,200; Aitutaki 1;89,000; Takutea 1:60,000; Mangaia 1:100,000; Rarotonga 1:60,000; Atui 75,000; Hervey islands 1;60,000; Rarotonga Islands: Avarua & Avatiu harbours 1;6,060; Mauke 1;75,000. Chart No. 1264

Order number: CWM Map J 6 (1)
Date(s) of creation: 1925
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
