Annual Report, 1968

Includes: Failure of the Great Strategic Plan. Dismissal of senior members of the armed forces. People’s Liberation Army. called upon to unite dissident factions. Red Guards lose their leading role in favour of the workers. Provincial Revolutionary Committees. Main lines of policy, simplification of...

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Order number: CHAS/A/29
Date(s) of creation: 1968
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: China Association

Order number: CHAS/A/29
Summary: Includes: Failure of the Great Strategic Plan. Dismissal of senior members of the armed forces. People’s Liberation Army. called upon to unite dissident factions. Red Guards lose their leading role in favour of the workers. Provincial Revolutionary Committees. Main lines of policy, simplification of bureaucratic structure, surplus cadres to the countryside, resumption of education, strengthening of the communes. Effect of the political situation on output and the economy. Stability of internal prices and repayment of all domestic loans. Agriculture. Adverse weather. Disruption of transport causes postponement of fertiliser shipments. Harvest yields. Water conservancy and completion of the Huai River project. Wheat purchases and rice exports. Orders for fertilisers. Industry. Output claims. Material incentives abolished. Building of power plant. Production of chemicals. Vinyl plastics. Steel, coal. Reduced capital construction. Completion of the Yangtsze River bridge at Nanking [Nanjing]. New chemical plants. New coal pits, a hydro-electric plant, flax mill. Ship launchings. Communications. Disruption of railways and highways. Fuel shortage affects air services. Port delays reduced. Dredging of the Yangtsze. Lloyds register of tonnage. International Trade. Figures of trade for the years 1963 to 1968 with Non-communist, communist and all countries. Effects of the Cultural Revolution. Progressive reduction in trade with communist countries. Trade and exchange balances. Reduction in remittances from Overseas Chinese. Value of purchases of wheat, fertilizers and steel. Dependence of trade on political relations. China discontinues to insure against strikes, riots and civil commotion. Economic Aid. List and descriptions of Aid and of Trade Agreements. Trade Memorandum with Japan largely replaces the Liao-Takasaki Agreement. UK -China Trade. Figures for the years 1964 to 1968. No visiting missions from China British Companies with Hongkong offices not invited to the Canton [Guangzhou] Fair. China's purchases of gold. Figures for imports from and exports to China, and grouping by main classes. Pattern of imports of quota products. Exports of non-ferrous metals prominent in a generally poor performance. Contact with the Commercial Counsellor's office in London and diplomatic procedures. Restricted contacts in Peking [Beijing]. Hong Kong-China Trade. Figures for the years 1964 to 1968. Effects of the Cultural Revolution. China's estimated earnings from Hongkong. Continued boycott of the use of Hongkong for transhipments. Taiwan. Trade with the UK for the years 1965 to 1968. Total trade and production indices. The Association. Restricted potential resulting from poor diplomatic relations. The S.B.T.C. launches its technical journal. Chronological Summary for the period Jan 12th to Dec, 27th 1968. Includes: - Sentencing of George Watt of Vickers-Zimmer. Dismissal of Chinese Chief of Staff. Agreement for financing the building of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway. Fine of Vickers-Zimmer. China holds an exhibition in Hong Kong. Meeting of the Party Central Committee drafts a new Constitution recommending Lin Piao as heir to Mao Tse-tung. Detonation of a nuclear device. Appendix. Figures of trade with selected Non-communist countries and with Communist countries for the years 1966 to 1968
Main author: China Association
Extent: 1 volume
Access status: Open
Language: English
Format: Archive