Annual Report, 1913-1914

Includes: Political, history of 1911 to 1914 and the rise of Yuan Shih-Kai, attack on Shanghai, the new Constitution, and financial need. Railways, granting of concessions, National Railways, Shanghai, Hangchow-Ningpo [Ningbo], Peking [Beijing]-Hankow [Hankou]. Finance, Quintuple Banks advances, Pro...

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Order number: CHAS/A/06
Date(s) of creation: 1913-1914
Level: Item
Format: Archive           
Main author: China Association

Order number: CHAS/A/06
Summary: Includes: Political, history of 1911 to 1914 and the rise of Yuan Shih-Kai, attack on Shanghai, the new Constitution, and financial need. Railways, granting of concessions, National Railways, Shanghai, Hangchow-Ningpo [Ningbo], Peking [Beijing]-Hankow [Hankou]. Finance, Quintuple Banks advances, Provincial Note Issues, the Salt Gabelle, revenues and the Tariff. Settlement Extension and the Mixed Court,* the Native Land Office. Reduction of Duties at Antung.* Revision of the Tariff, China Japan Convention.* Revision of Tariff. British Rights in the Yangtsze Valley and the Open Door.* Tenders for work in the British Legation at Peking [Beijing].* Siberian Mails, delays.* British Post Office at Peking [Beijing].* Registration of companies at Shanghai, Order in Council.* Companies, sale of Shares Regulations.* Hongkong University, progress.* Branches. School of Chinese, Report.* The School of Oriental Studies. Annual Dinner.* Annual Meeting.* Appendix: Tenders for work at the Legation in Peking [Beijing]. The Opium Question, price agreement, accumulated stocks. Irregularity of mails via Siberia. British Firms in Yunnan. Reduction of Customs Duties at Antung. Registration of Limited Liability Companies, Shanghai. The Rebellion in China. Shanghai Settlement extension. Hongkong University., Report to the Council on support. Establishment of a British Post Office at Peking [Beijing]. Formation of a Branch at Hankow [Hankou]. Headquarters of a Commercial Attaché in China. Redemption of Bonds by the Japanese Government. The admission of Ladies to Membership. Perpetual Leases in Japan. Supplement: Annual Meeting. Re-Organisation Loan, Noisy Agitators, the Five Power Loan. The Annual Dinner, Extension of the Shanghai Settlement. The School of Chinese, Opium Suppression, the Future of China, finances, the Chinese Armies, the Constitution, Yuan Shih-Kai, Opium, Shanghai Settlement extension, Yuan Shih-kai. The School of Practical Chinese, Report. Agreement between the United Kingdom and Portugal, the regulation of Opium Monopolies. Proceedings of the General Committee of the China Association.
Main author: China Association
Extent: 1 set of minutes
Access status: Open
Language: English
Physical description: Bound in volume
Format: Archive